>CelebiPlayer finds random golden pokeball, tosses it open and is sent to the past by a dying Celebi.
Timeline right after PLA and the towers being burned down.
Hunt down thebad guys that did it.
Starters are:
Fire/Ground Emboar variant (quadriped) w Contrary, Grass/Steel Chesnaught w Iron thorns and Water/Electric Swampert w Adaptability.
A lot of dualtype variants of mons pop up that require specific moves being tutored for evolving.
Furret gets multiple dualtype evolutions via tutored Fire Lash, Jet Punch and Electric Gunk shot clone.
Noctowl gets a Psychic/Flying evo with more bulk and SpA.
Altaria gets a Fairy/Flying variant with Aerilate.
Houndoom gets a regular evolution that puts it on paar with Arcanine stat wise with Intimidate/Flashfire/Toughclaws.
Fire/Ghost Ninetales w Sheer force.
>JirachiPlayer made the wish to go to the pokemon world now they gotta unite 12 tribes around Hoenn to get them to pray to Fugg and break down a meteor.
Also raging Dragon dual type bosses everywhere with dragon dualtyped starters: Sceptile, Feralgatr and Charizard (flightless edition).
Sceptile gets a second alt alongside its dragon typed variant with a Grass/Rock Tough claws user.
Bosses include:
Poison/Dragon Seviper w Regenerator, Dragon/Flying Duddrigeon w Technician, Water/Dragon Milotic w Serene Grace, Rock/Dragon Turtonator w Stealth rock clone of Toxic debris, Steel/Dragon Skarmory w No guard (Terror bird), Ghost/Dragon Keckleon or its evolution w Adaptability.
Lots of shitmons get evolutions:
Dark/Poison Mightyena w Strong Jaw, Normal/Electric Linoone w Levitate, Fire/Dragon or Steel/Dragon Cyclizar evos with Atk or SpA focused upgrades w Regenerator/Soaring drake (levitate clone that gives pseudo flying stab).
All games distribute more moves/abilities across various types.
Like every Fire type that has a tail gets Fire Lash as a high level/tutor move.
Flareon gets Fluffy instead of Guts etc.