>thread gives shit suggs and rhyperior >this means we end up whiting out to every battle in the city arc, unsurprisingly >thankfully, most of them are skippable >we see a bunch of random bullshit that still doesn't make sense even when it's explained later >before heading into the nightmare realm to visit best girl >we try to fight the pupper masters with her and it ends up being a bloodbath (for me) that i can't actually do, so i end up fighting the faggot 6v12 solo option and barely make it out through layers of cursed rng >meanwhile, lurkers start up their own playthroughs of rejuvenation Whiteout counter: 281
Badges: 11
Acts of terrorism: 1
Confirmed deaths: 73
A Pokemon is ordered to attack a trainer directly: 21
Someone gets enslaved: 3
Bugs: 6
Someone has a legendary: 15
Changes that benefit the opponent but doesn't in player hands: Too many
Powerful items before you can access them: Too many
Opponents have megas before player gets them/opponents have multiple megas or megas holding regular items: 17
Previous Threads: /vp/ plays MEGA folder (contains writefaggotry, art, screenshot spam, and extras): Place where lurkers can submit shit for handholding kino: What the fuck is this garbage?
>This is a modified version of Pokemon Rejuvenation some lurker gave me, that changes a bunch of things, but it mostly just makes it harder while adding some QoL changes >Remember, it's not getting filtered if I find a way past the filter >Decisions are made via GETs when people actually give a shit about them. (dubs override trips, trips override dubs and cause thread-long rules, quads override trips and cause permanent rules within reason, etc) GET rules:
>No suggesting names with more than one F before I figure out how to disable the turbo speedup inconveniently bound to the F key
first for very lewd handholding
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
i think i could have edited that a little bit more to extend a middle finger a bit higher to the janny anyway i guess go wild idk
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>>54055024 she’ll be back sometime before you stop yourself from stopping vivian from an heroing
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>>54055024 Fucking with the time line tends to do that.
I don't fucking know Melia maybe one person is a fine sacrifice to save the world you fucking idiot.
>>54055043 Hahahahahaha, I need context.
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>>54055040 look on the bright side
at least you’ll be able to spend time with Amber and make her go from an angsty, troubled girl to a happy, loving bride again
of course, holding hands with this timeline’s Amber will have to wait until there’s a reliable way to travel between them (probably after stealing the time macguffin from not-Melia) since the overlapping shit means that it’s just not safe for either Amber to bring her over
>>54055047 it’s rule34 comments
search for pokemon_rejuvenation and you’ll find like 4% of the games’s porn
the rest of it is from these threads
speaking of which, it’d be funny if someone uploaded the higher quality smut from the archive after adding /vp/ plays watermarks to the images
free advertising
>>54055040 Speaking of which, There is a really stupid "choice section" coming up and the correct one goes against everything the game thus far would make you believe is the correct one.
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>>54055055 Yeah yeah I remember "don't do anything" right?
I guess this thread is now "Rejuv Gen" now.
Regardless, either tomorrow or saturday...the trinity shall be complete.
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>>54055020 don’t, the jannies will still ban you even if there’s no visible nipples
Continuing with my idea from last thread of trying a mono-Rock run of this game, Do you guys think I should use debug to get an unique "Rock starter" or just go with a normal starter until I can at least assemble a Rock team?
>>54055286 Give yourself a geodude as your starter.
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>>54055294 You can already get a Geodude at the Gearen Sewers as a rare spawn, So maybe something else, I'm obviously not going to pick a legendary and I'd like to pick a 3 stage Rock evolution but there's 5 choices only, Which are all kind of shit for early in the game. Geodude which feels rather pointless, Aron, Which gets murdered by Venam's Seviper and Keta in general, Roggenrola, Which is fairly lacking in terms of movepool, Rolycoly, Which evolves early and has good coverage but gets murdered by the first 2 gyms just like Aron and Rhyhorn, Which is also kinda shit.
>>54055310 I do love Aggron but I'm not sure.
>>54055015 >>54055018 marrying Tesla and having lots of children with her!
God fuck filler At least I get some fun after that shit...right?
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>>54055452 WRITEFAG. PLEASE.
>>54055286 Regirock starter. Carry Aelita in your heart.
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>>54055459 That's honestly not the worst idea for my mono-Rock run. Regirock does get some pretty good moves early on but it's not blatantly overpowered like many other legendaries.
I am mostly trying to brainstorm ideas to beating the Gym Leaders, Venam will LIKELY be no issue, I see likely because her Ivysaur is fairly fast and loves spamming sleep hacks, I more or less have a strategy for Keta involving Carbink, Solrock and Lunatone, Not sure if it will succeed but I think it can deal with Keta's team. Solrock and Lunatone are really good in Maria's gym, So that's likely no worry, Narcissa I imagine will be rather annoying but with enough planning I think Jihadrocks (Gravellers) and Aelita (Regirock) can demolish her ass, But.....there's a massive issue coming up.....Valerie....I've been thinking for over nearly 2 hours now about ideas to beat Valerie, Ranging from Dreadnaw spam, To Alolan Jihadrock spam and yet still her team has an answer for all Rock types available up to this point, None of my Rocks can dent her Lanturn hard enough according to my calculations even with Self Destruct or Explosion.....I'm still brainstorming things to at least manage a smooth run, I'll likely be playing on normal difficulty to avoid even more torture.
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>>54055018 what is this doing outside of /d/
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>>54055452 if Jan wasn’t a faggot this scene would involve Aelita dragging the player by the hand to ensure that he could join her
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>>54055541 this is also a sandslash fusion afaik
post more sandslash/aggron fusions
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>>54055546 forgot pic
oh well all that matters is trying to get quads before I go to sleep and watch the thread implode on itself due to shenanigans
>>54055546 this image goes too hard
don’t screenshot it, your phone will crash
>>54055554 off by one
in the meantime, have a woot/sandshrew fusion
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>>54055558 and off by 3
so here’s a fish
>>54055554 Two of my favorite Pokemons fused together, Can you imagine this Steel/Ground beast running around with Sheer Force and a life orb?
>>54055569 imagine if it had steel type body press
with a secondary effect to trigger sheer force
>>54055573 Holy shit, That would be the definition of OVERKILL. I fucking love it. By this point I'm just praying to the gods Aggron gets blessed with a regional variant, Because mega Aggron is never coming back sadly.
>>54055541 Funnily enough, This is entirely within the realm of possibility. Aggron's outer shell is entirely composed of the metal it consumes. Though gold is typically an incredibly soft metal, So maybe this Aggron would be far squishier but considerably faster?
>>54055587 i wish we could get a steel/fire aggron regional in rejuvenation but jan is a double nigger and won’t let us get such a thing
>>54055610 could be neat
it would have a lower defense stat (probably in the 110-120 ballpark) but like 110+ speed with a few extra points in attack
could be really dangerous with head smash + rock head, while having utility potential with thunder wave and stealth rock
besides, Aggron is already going to underperform with its bad special defense and below average HP, so why bother with extreme defenses when it can instead go fast and hit really hard?
alternate approach: make it a fucking pseudo legendary already, all it needs is 70 more base stat total. spread that across HP, attack, special defense, and speed.
and then imagine applying that golden “lower defense but raise speed a lot” concept to its now highly buffed stats
and then we’d finally have a fourth great non-legendary rock type besides tyranitar, glimmora, and garganacl
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>>54055626 Aggron is by far my favorite Pokemon and it always deserved better but it always got screwed, Past gen 3 there hasn't been a single game in which it appeared at a sensible point or was available at all, It's stat line is frankly just not good, It's already painfully slow in terms of gaining experience, It's HP and special defense are far too low, It always felt like a pseudo legendary that was just denied his rightful crown, Aggron's secondary Rock typing screws it over miserably and it has nothing to compensate, Aggron deserved a good ability other than Rock Head, Sheer Force, Solid Rock, Literally anything and a few stat buffs or stat redistributions to make it ever slightly better. I just want my precious boy to be good again, Using mega Aggron was so fun because it made Aggron good for once, But Gamefreak like i said previously is never bringing megas back.
So, Gen 9 might no come during 13.5, Which fucking sucks but I'm 100% certain we're getting Hisuian mons. Any of 'em you guys are interested by? I love Ursaluna but considering how much smogon faggots are crying about it I'm 100% sure Jan is going to take Ursaring behind the shed very soon, I never liked Samurott truth be told but I'm genuinely interested in trying it's Hisuian form in Rejuvenation when it comes out.
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>>54055054 Huh
>Checks smut Well, is ok. There's even a post about that bestiality trainer from Pokemon Ocandia.
That's neat.
>>54055862 Hisuian arcanine is cool and could reasonably appear by the second badge. However it's more likely that it will be placed after the 12th gym if Hisuian pokemon get added.
>>54055862 I'm a fan of H. Typhlosion, Kleavor, and H. Arcanine. I'd love to see those.
>>54056092 >Rock Head Flare Blitz/Head Smash >AND Extremespeed, Close Combat, and everything else You'll be lucky to see it even in the current version
Well don't worry. I'm sure that a random grunt somewhere will have it, along with a boss making full use of the above moveset
>>54055862 I really want to try out Overqwil, Zoroark, Kleavor and Sneasler
I also expect none of these mons to be available before chapter 15 at the very earliest
>>54056707 It's too broken, please understand.
>>54056092 >>54056538 >>54056707 I Love Hisuian Arcanine, We've been waiting for years to get a Fire/Rock mon with Rock Head, Glad we finally did, Even tested it a bit on smogon for a few runs, Genuinely really fun Pokemon.
Kleavor is another one I really like, Stone Axe+Sharpness is really crazy but Scyther is already relegated to absurdly late in the game because Scizor exists. Hisuian Typhlosion got shafted really hard for no good reason, Frisk is worthless, It's signature move didn't get buffed despite it not being that good in the first place and for no good reason it got a considerable speed drop too. Overqwil is interesting and it's one of the few Hisuian Pokemon I can see us getting "reasonably" early as either an event or in a place like Corrupted Cave. Sneasler is just broken and I doubt Jan would allow us to have it at all despite the fact we're already extremely late in Rejuvenation's cycle. Hisuian Zoroark is really cool and it's aesthetic and typing are *mwah* perfect, It's a Pokemon I really want that nigger to make available rather early in the game but I'm not holding up hope.
>>54056717 Your game is broken you daft nigger.
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>>54056865 Your mind is broken you incel
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musk add to archive
>>54055018 >Give Amber multiple reasons to call you daddy Anonymous
>>54057464 imagine the blushing when she realizes she’s used that pet name in front of her mother during a threesome between both of the fire redheads and Anon
Not sure how many people even care or are interested but someone in the Rejuvenation team for once did something right and created this beauty as a way of allowing us to have a Dragon type Pokemon early in the game. Apparently it's getting added to 13.5
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>>54057622 cute bug
I want to pet it
>>54057622 Hey, dragon buggo waifu, nice.
>>54057641 Speaking of "waifu mons", This little bastard is getting added to Rejuvenation in the "near" future.
>>54057643 same attack stat as this little guy
>>54057622 Inb4 it has an absolute garbage moveset for 10 chapters and/or (more likely) can't evolve into Leavanny until very late
Aevian Paras is also "early" but might as well not be because you can't evolve it until near the 13th gym
If it sounds too good to be can finish that sentence.
We're also getting Snorunt, Shellos and Bronzor as well which all sound like they could be placed reasonably early but doubtlessly will also get shunted to after you beat the 18th badge or whatever the fuck
>>54057662 They specifically worded it like they were going to make this baby obtainable very early. I wouldn't be shocked if they are lying, Jan and his cronies/dick suckers love doing the dumbest shit imaginable. Also fun fact: Aevian Milotic used to have recover during the beta tests of version 13 and it was removed because a bunch of faggot testers cried about it.
>>54057675 is aevian milotic even used by anyone besides the player?
seems stupid to nerf something that only the player uses
do those tranny hedonists not have the self restraint to just not use anything they consider too strong
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>>54057694 Nope, They are that gay.
>>54057675 Oh I don't doubt Sewaddle and Swadloon will be early. I just doubt Leavanny will be.
Oh also I guess Shroomish was announced as well...for Darchlight at the earliest, which means either Chapter 10 (unlikely and way too late) or Chapter 12-13 (likely and inexcusably late)
>>54057507 and then imagine Tesla deciding that the nickname her daughter gave to Anon shouldn’t be just a nickname anymore
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>>54057729 End of chapter 15 and you will need a super hard to find exclusive item that relies on you having to please Ren to get. Making it utterly worthless by the point of the game it's available in. I'm partially joking but knowing Jan....I might be correct, Also what's the fucking point of adding these cool regional variants to the game if they're only going to be obtainable ridiculously late and be utterly pointless by the point you obtain them in? I swear these fucking retards continuously just make the dumbest decisions imaginable.
>>54057740 An entire household with 2 cute mothers and a chiseled man with a devastating hyper weapon, All around them a lot of beautiful red haired children playing around with Fletchlings.
>>54057761 jan would get mad
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>>54057761 >>54057763 which makes it incredibly based
>>54057649 Same attack, not as useful.
Another tally for the pangolins.
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>>54057775 do you liek my shiny brimshrew?
>>54057776 off by 1
it really is over
>>54057775 The duende lassie with a giant hammer is far better than people realize as a support Pokemon funnily enough. I'm almost baffled as to why the fuck I like Tinkaton so much considering my usual utter disdain for fairy types as a whole.
>>54057789 it’s a steel type which makes it automatically superior to 90% of all fairy types
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>>54057643 Might be Saki's new signature mon
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>>54057794 True, I am a Steel, Rock and Fire specialist, So that might be why I like this little pest so much.
>>54057852 Is that fucking drakengard 1 sampling I hear
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>>54057910 Yes, I had it playing the entire time I went through this fight.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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Time to continue
They say the heat makes people crazy
I think I'm going to lose my fucking sanity
>>54057852 I'm not going to look but from the fact it's a two parter means it's either Melanie or one of those stupid fights in Blacksteeple got turned into a gauntlet
Either way, guess I'll find out soon enough
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
You will not get me to care about Neved, game I do not give a single solitary fuck Why does she have heterochromia anyway? Never noticed that I guess I should call new team, or something It's going to get swapped out in like 5 minutes though
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>>54058086 because heterochromia is le anime and le epic
>>54058086 Neved's mutt daughter and his coal burning wife are dying from an "incurable disease"......where have I heard of something like this before....
>>54058104 who even is his daughter, anyways?
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Foregoing the usual shit and just letting digits pick this time
I don't know if I should catch shit before I go back to the future or afterwards
If the demon fight is after the point of no return I guess I should do before
>>54055286 Missed this earlier
Think you should do Rockruff starter desu
Even though it's not a 3 stager it's a good 'protagonist' mon, evolves early, and is decently strong
And also was placed at the beginning of the game to begin with
>>54057694 Cassandra (the evil Xen mayor bitch) I believe uses one iirc
It's also really stupid to nerf a mon that is going to get shafted to fucking postgame for 0 real reason even though it isn't even that good and it's useless until after the 7th badge to begin with
>>54058108 I did consider Rockruff but the lads suggested I pick Regirock as a stand-in for Aelita, I am mostly still planning on how to get pass Valerie, Because I don't want to get hard filtered by Miss athletic swimmer with a beautiful bust.
>>54058108 Let's mix it up. Use Teddiursa.
Can you evolve it?
>>54058108 Wagiedos, Any takes on this?
>>54057622 Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>54058125 i can, however i will need a nickname for it
>shadow teddiursa gets parting shot ballin
>>54058140 >>54058129 >>54058127 >>54058126 >>54058125 >>54058118 thanks for the mostly good team
i wish i had faith this isn't getting rapestomped by vivian in 10 minutes
>>54058119 there's tyrantrum who gets dragon dance via egg move, debug that shit in i guess, and doesn't autodie to her water moves (though probably pretty close)
also drednaw, with swift swim
solrock maybe gets sunny day?
alolan graveler who could maybe do something?
idk either, just don't do intense
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>>54058158 getting raped by vivian sounds hot tbdesu
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>54058156 i'm actually
>>54057662 i think it's cool, like the other aevian forms, i just have 0 hope that it'll be available to the player in any reasonable capacity
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>>54058158 Call her Honey Pooh
>>54058175 Well Anon, You're about to have a very unpleasant time, But good luck I guess.
>>54058182 It's so fucking over. It can't get more over then it currently is.
>>54058186 is the sky field just
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>>54058186 I might be remembering it wrong because it's been ages since I fought old Souta, But I'm pretty sure he used to have a fucking Tornadus, I was dreading what could be done with this fight, Didn't expect Landorus Incarnate but well.....shit....this is not good....
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>>54058195 Landorus changes it on switch in, it mostly changes back if I kill it.
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>>54058198 It's Landorus Incarnate lol
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>>54058198 Shove a popsicle up your ass he'll die instantly.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
It looks like I had a Finneon already that was named, so I just used that
Shadow Finneon gets dogshit moves, but it does get Tail Glow, which is nice
>>54058186 Aw, I didn't want to see that lol, even though I kind of expected it
Still, good fucking luck bro
If it helps, I'll share your pain pretty soon
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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One thing I don't think that was mentioned about this hack is that not only are all tutor moves free but talking to tutors instantly logs them into your pokegear to be learned at any time Doesn't really make a lot of sense and screams of a Radical Red-esque 'QoL' feature but to be frank I would rather have the less painful experience of listening to 24 hours of fingernails on chalkboards than play 10 more minutes of this hack so I'll take any amount of leeway I get
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Some quick catches Singles names I don't really care to get Wishiwashi, another baffling choice by Jan why it's this late to get and why it's that hard to actually obtain
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>>54058208 Sorry about that, I'll remember to not spoil it next time.
>>54058225 Bewear is a slow, Gimmicky physical attacker that despite having good abilities and great physical bulk is still mired by a lot of issues, In Desolation for instance you get it during the level 30's and it's absolutely not a game breaking Pokemon in anu way, Jan's niggerisms keep getting worse.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Fastest I've ever solved this shit puzzle
>>54058226 Named
>>54058234 Ok, I do sympathize with Jan in the sense that cramming 200 Pokemon per badge would be an obviously impossible task, there's going to be some undeserving Pokemon that slip through the cracks and end up way later than they should
But I guess it comes down to basic planning. Maybe don't have Chapter 3 and 5 be nothingburger chapters which are just plot hallways with a handful of new Pokemon to catch
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>54058246 whoops, digit names
>>54057464 >>54057507 >>54057740 >>54057761 hey wagiedos what’s yojr opinion in these posts
>>54058246 >Ok, I do sympathize with Jan in the sense that cramming 200 Pokemon per badge would be an obviously impossible task, there's going to be some undeserving Pokemon that slip through the cracks and end up way later than they should Honestly does this game really need every single god damn pokemon, you could probably cut it down to 400 and balance the game around that.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
>brainwashed by a redhead with psychic powers into a gay man despite showing no signs of it prior many such cases!
>>54058262 I find them intensely disappointing
Because you're talking only about Amber and Tesla. Aelita should be part of it and call anon daddy as well to get over her issues with Keta
>>54058246 >plot hallways with a handful of new Pokemon to catch Or you could just fill those hallways with new pokemon instead of evolved forms of shit you can already get. 70% of encounters in this game are evolved forms of something from the first 3 chapters.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
I hate the antichrist. Whiteouts: 282
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>>54058292 its a naganadel
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>>54058289 During the whole Chrysolia mansion shitshow we literally get no new Pokemon other than Bronzor and nigger Meowth, Technically you can catch a Porygon in there but it's encounter rate is so abysmally low that it's not even worth going after one.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
what a shit way to obtain a mon
digits names though, it is worth it
luv this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
>>54058301 yet has the type of an igglybuff...
who cares about consistency
jan certainly doesn't
>>54058274 >>54058289 now see both of these suggs make sense and would force jan to dev smartly, instead of wasting copious amounts of time on things that don't matter
and that's where your mistake is
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>54058321 named
why do i get the feeling that if this scenario were reversed, venam wouldn't have come rushing to see amber turned to stone
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
god imagine that instead of getting sucked into jan's gay PMD fanfic with his purity sue we instead just got to spend the next few days before the tournament having nonstop sex with amber and rift-empowered aelita while amber is wearing this and aelita is wearing the kimono
>>54058280 >Aelita should be part of it and call anon daddy as well I bet she’d also call Tesla ‘Mommy’ as well
and as writefaggotry has shown, she’s also easily infatuated by her aunt’s maternal figure, huge milkers, child-bearing hips, and fat ass
>>54058337 Replaying Rejuvenation again, It really made it extremely evident the sheer amount of effort Jan put into shoving his depraved fanfic of Melia X Venam into the game, From small scenes here and there at the early to mid game, To re-writing a good portion of the plot past the volcano fight just to fit in with his bullshit fetish.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
ok just want to finish up some quick catches before bad future singles for this
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Alright the trinity is done. Time for some optional shit before I get fucked by Old Man Sky.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
singles get this as well
>>54058339 >I bet she’d also call Tesla ‘Mommy’ as well holy FUCK
writefag witness these dubs and arrive
>>54058348 the weird thing is that other scenes were rewritten for melia and the mc to be more romantic (like goldenwood forest)
it's like a switch just flipped in jan's head and he felt the need to insert LGBTABCD shit into his game out of nowhere
and i'm guessing the only thing stopping him from removing male mc options so you have to play as a lesbian was the more level headed members of his team + his weird NTR purity obsession
>>54058353 named
>>54058339 also it’s likely that she’d use her free time during Anon’s exile to become Tesla’s personal trainer so she could surprise Anon when he got home by letting him enjoy two tall, fit MILFs
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>54058393 named
i missed it earlier, but directly left from here is a hidden path blocked by a strength boulder
in the clearing at the end, centiskorchite is hidden on the swingset
>>54058383 Yeah, A lot of the early game re-writes made it sound like Melia was falling over for the protagonist, But then that was dropped harder than me by my parents after I was born, Maybe that's part of Jan's fetish too, The protagonist getting "cucked" by Venam, Believe it or not there are quite a few "memes" in regards to this in the Reborn forums and from what I've seen Jan very much ADORES said "memes".
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Sorry about wait, singles names
>>54058428 not really surprised
rejuv's 'canon' protagonist is almost definitely male and jan probably delights in the prospect of venam cucking a man (like him) over three dykes fighting it out
>They removed lycanroc dusks ability to learn sucker punch How the fuck am I going to kill the balloon now?
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>>54058406 i said this so now it’s canon that Aelita and Tesla have spent their free time working out together
they’ve probably even done lewd things like showering together after sweaty workouts and sending Anon photos of their toned bodies to motivate him and remind him what he’ll get to enjoy after he comes home
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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Sorry about wait again Just doing quest for Araquanid The only Pokemon in this entire hack that learns Sticky Web normally is Spinarak, at level 84 but Araquanid still has value as a special wall with Mirror Coat I think
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
And singles names
>>54058520 Named
>>54058455 , I did say singles
>>54058471 Do you have Honchkrow or something?
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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Alright No more procrastinating No more stalling LET'S FUCKING GO
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Is this that super hard fight you guys were talking about>coming up on other mm anon 2 hours to beat souta yikes
Oh my fuck actual Pokemon Characters
>>54058535 Not enough attack, it has a Colbur Berry. I'm currently attempting to kill it with dusknoir's shadow sneak.
>>54058558 I'll enjoy watching you suffer through the next 2 big fights.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
time to start plap plappin away
>>54058565 yeah, jan likes throwing in a bunch of shit from the current gen to try and stay topical
the gym theme used to be the alola E4 theme, and he wrote this quest around the same time
funnily i think jan is a major johto fanboy of all things, there's a ton of little references and love letters to johto specifically more than any other game (except PMD of course)
>>54058566 if you have a raichu, i noticed when i checked changelog at some point that it has galvanize and presumably then fake out/quick attack. might be worth looking into
>I'll enjoy watching you suffer through the next 2 big fights i'm curious. you did find the next big fight harder than zetta/geara, right?
if so this might be the first time we have a thread wholly dedicated to a single battle
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>>54058580 if jan wasn’t a faggot we could ask Vivian to let the player and Aelita sleep with her
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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the game is really going to pull le epic trolley problem out when it doesn't apply to this scenario the ugly hags could instantly revive venam at no cost to anyone whatsoever, that's not the trolley problem at all i guess jan was watching fate/zero or something when he wrote this
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
hey one of the writefags could you use dubs to have a story where we exorcise the nigger out of anju and then plap her? thanks
>>54058580 Electric moves are not super effective in this fight.
>i'm curious. you did find the next big fight harder than zetta/geara, right? I used an ice team from the start so I didn't have any issues with that fight, however the 2 I'm talking about I consider by far the hardest fights in the game so far except maybe the Terajuma boss rush, but I skipped that.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
ok well i missed those dubs but now writefags use THESE dubs to write the story where anon plaps every woman in this room at once
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>54058619 >>54058611 nice
time to lose this shit
please don't tell me i have to actually win
>>54058603 what....?
ok i'm going to stop spoiling myself, i need to experience the bullshit firsthand
>I'm talking about I consider by far the hardest fights in the game so far that would mean they're at least harder than the first keta fight, narcissa, florin, puppet masters and a bunch of other shit that gave me or should have given me severe trouble - though you might be (probably are) better than me
well, alright
nowhere (for the whiteout counter) to go but up
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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when does erin get a fucking mega butterfree when does aelita get a milotic that dumb mega ring training montage is going to play out the same way isn't it
>>54058632 why can’t I have a 1v3 against Vivian, Anju, and Aelita
in bed
>>54058632 I didn't find most of those fights that bad, besides narcissa fuck that bitch. Granted I had your advice in the way of how you built your team at the time, and I found the perfect counter to puppet masters with a bit of luck.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>54058646 Stop hijacking Wagie's computer Jan
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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Whiteouts: 283
of fucking course man
why does it even work like this
the florges died of flare blitz before aelita's mega blaziken died of recoil
GTFO out of here with the dual knockout rule
>>54058648 ah that's fair.
well, it'll be shit regardless
if it eclipses the zetta/geara whiteout counter (i think that was 30?) then i'll be 'happy'
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
damn they kicked my ass so hard i got sent flying all the way back to the present
melia truly is the strongest character in all of fiction
>>54058657 >>54058660 sometimes one is the one that one hates
>>54058671 while we’re here can we plap amber pls
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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alright whatever that was easy Remember these words.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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eldest was pretty cute too d e s u
>>54058681 not allowed
you WILL be forced into PMD fanfiction
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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in an alternate universe, this is where the game would end (with amber/tesla also coming to the past) and it would just be anon and the rest of these girls in sheridan living a happy, peaceful life plapping and being merry for the rest of their days this is not that universe.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>54058718 i want to go back to bed with her
and have loving handholding sex with her
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Biblically Accurate Ferrothorn. Neat!
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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I remember in older versions of the game the way to lure Vivian out of her house was to throw Heracross shit at it I guess Jan decided potty humor was far too beneath his sophisticated and mature game so it got removed for cutting down trees instead
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>auto permanent trick room you know what? i'll give the credit to the hacker for showing restraint and not doing this shit earlier.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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Incredible Whiteouts: 284 This might be the fastest record for abandoning thread sugg team
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Okay well I can at least try for now
Focus Sash on Nidoking to Poison Jab and kill Hatterene
Dusknoir can reasonably wall and kill Rampardos, burn does the job of halving its attack and getting rid of its shitty Crest which gives it a one time Sturdy proc
>>54058760 One of the few good rift fight/single boss fights actually
The gimmick is actually kind of cool and it's not overwhelmingly powerful
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
all to get wiped to a fucking shiinotic Whiteouts: 285
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>54058793 It was a fun fight to be fair.
>>54058797 >>54058801 why does she even have one of these of all things?
also wouldn’t a rock type be more appropriate for her trick room team considering that’s the type she specialized in during her first incarnation
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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man i love getting fucking wrecked by fucking shitmons
Whiteouts: 286
>>54058804 unfortunately kind of all goes downhill from there
>>54058810 here you have it kek
Do gems boost more then plates?
Time to get my ass handed to me
>>54058818 reroll for dubs
>>54058819 yes but gems only work for one attack
they’re like slightly shittier and consumable z-crystals
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>>54058823 Apparently not in this game, I just used one and got the exact same damage as a plate.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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i have no counter for this thing
it just sits there, outspeeds everything i have because of the bullshit perma trick room and oneshots everything with double boosted judgment from nature power
need to change team
Whiteouts: 287
>>54058818 get quads then i will
>>54058819 gems are 1.5x, plates are 1.2x iirc
but yeah gems are one time use as the tradeoff
>>54058820 don't worry, he's not as hard as we're hyping him up to be on normal
still pretty fucking bullshit unfortunately, but definitely manageable
use whatever seed that field needs, it gives you tailwind
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>>54058858 cute
also imagine taking her to this hidden area of that forest she really loves and skinny dipping with her
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her team can’t breathe
quads for injecting a metal kaiju and summoning writefag/drawfag
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>54058888 CHECKED
will do once i win/lose this attempt
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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Mega Camerupt is supposed to be one of the slowest Pokemon in existence Yet this fucking Mawile somehow underslowed me How? Probably negative speed EVs Whiteouts: 288
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Digits suggests this rhyperior's name
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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named going to try this team
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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ok well, few steps away from winning
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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yeah that wasn't too bad
changed up strat so instead of dusknoir, golem on a balloon would hit the rampardos to its crest and then take it out with a followup eq
this then allowed me to control the flow of the fight
>>54058793 i was letting dusknoir and rampardos knock each other out, and the AI can predict what mon you send out if that happens
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
>I would have won if I gave dusknoir a spooky plate I hate this fight.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Confirmed deaths: 8000000073
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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Very bad writing
>>54059002 >3 hours now it's so joever
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
That was horseshit Porygon2 tracing multiscale after Golem set up stealth rocks was the play but man that was rough
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
no matter the timeline, the plapping continues
>>54059022 i assume poke-earth has around 8 billion people, similar to ours
>>54059025 kek
good job man
i won't steal that strat, if only just to make myself suffer more
>>54059035 >that curve from her breast visible on her art hot
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>54059047 HUGE
I don't really remember this part but I doubt it was added by the modder
Of course Melia doesn't help you fight a single one of these pirates
pre-injured flail jihadbirds: yay or nay?
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
you know this bad future has
>amber >valarie >tesla >melia and none of
>venam >saki >any of the other faggots who need to get lavadunked like the time travellers if we just had aelita this would unironically be more comfykino than the regular timeline
unfortunately having aelita is more valuable than getting rid of all of the in-need-of-lavadunk faggots combined
>>54059054 if you can set it up and the game doesn't have any kind of bullshit healing you before fights
God this is kinda painful
>>54059060 if there was a way to bring Aelita over then there can be comfy world repopulation kino
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>>54059068 Someone is getting raped tonight.
>>54059035 >i won't steal that strat, if only just to make myself suffer more I don't even think that strat would work in mm. His team just hits way too fucking hard.
lmao the file request folder random letter suffix is telling me about someone who’s going to get cucked within the next hour of gameplay in my fire monotype run
anyways Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
why doesn't the player doesn't immediately throw a pokeball and catch this shit
fuck you jan
>>54059068 this is probably the most actually emotionally difficult part of the game
thankfully after this it turns into marvel tier capeshit where everybody fires off rapid style quips and epic oneliners
>>54059069 we actually did, if you remember - the time gear shit is what kept us immune to the timeline death thing
then the spacenigger stole it
>>54059077 oh i'm an idiot, i didn't notice it was a singles battle and you weren't the mm anon
which means mm anon is coming up on 4 hours now? jesus
still, good job, it's a creative strat
>>54059083 Aero gets Aelita!
Melia gets Venam!
And what does Ren get?
JACK SHIT Anonymous
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>>54059085 I've hit a wall unfortunately.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
i counted seven deaths
Confirmed deaths: 80
>>54059083 KEK
>>54059091 even HUEY gets lavender
HUEY gets more action than ren
huey, the biggest beta male in all of existence gets more action than ren does
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this is the only bed in Venam’s house there’s also a cuck couch now if Jan wasn’t a faggot then I would be able to give Venam a hyperweapon addiction so she wouldn’t want to try to be a dick to me
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
of course melia chooses not to help with a single battle here i remember when the puzzle here was lifted directly from the plasma frigate, like almost exactly 1:1
Does...does this fight have special music or is it just the standard rift fight? Might change it to something else if so
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>>54059102 Ren the supreme gentleman
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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oh are you fucking kidding me
and i'm going to guess the player isn't going to be able to get a single fucking hisui mon
>>54059111 checked
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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Whiteouts: 290
>>54059113 i don't think it does?
changing the music would probably be more fitting than whatever is in there
>>54059102 Ren can't be much worse than Erick. He paypigs Saki lol
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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this is probably the dumbest example of "ten people are standing around but only the player fights and the plot doesn't advance until they win" other than isha
and i think this one is worse because madame x could probably win this battle in .5 seconds
>>54059142 that is the only exception.
>>54059148 almost there lol
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
time to troll nim with field boosted HP waters
>>54059162 BOOBA
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>>54059165 >forgot pic who cares about bump limit anyways
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>54059171 damnit, image
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>this thing is now water/fairy and has merciless which is always active on this field amazing
>>54059185 >>54059199 congrats, both of you
>>54059185 This fight would have been so easy to make impossible.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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come the fuck on man Whiteouts: 291 How am I already near 300 whiteouts? jesus I wanted to get through Rift Aelita myself tonight I guess I'm just going to abandon bread team
>>54059209 it would be if it had this:
>counters (Rayquaza-Mega) @ Lum Berry Ability: Delta Stream
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Dragon Ascent
- Extreme Speed
- Earthquake
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>>54059213 I would be more then willing to trade his weakest pokemon for that rayquaza as long as delta stream went down when it died. Currently in the fight it's always active.
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Oh. I put that part at the end of "The Lustful Rift 2" but of course the game dropped it too Nim is a dumb nigger btw
...At least the character arc is complete, I suppose.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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begin with HP psychic jellicent for toxicroak bewear + golisopod for this piece of shit i think i can get it down to just bewear
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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let golisopod die i guess
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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fuck you
Whiteouts: 292
>>54059244 mm, not yet
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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change up of strat: hp psychic toxicroak sitrus berry lets bewear kill overqwil gorebyss beaten by magneton jihadbird kills this
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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metal burst kills mega toxtricity and the coup de grace, dragon pulse from toilet dragon and sucker punch kill dragalge
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>54059280 literally made for big interceptor cock
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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going to guess that madame x is meant to represent an ex-girlfriend of jan's who broke up with him because he liked cock too much you don't get this kind of dialogue slung at you in this game without being one of jan's repressed traumas
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>54059319 >Kept you waiting huh? >>54059303 Ah my dear Valerie, I'd love for you to repay me in the best of ways and I would love even more to treat you like a princess, Sadly Jan fucking hates you and keeps putting you on buses.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
but remember, it's venam who melia actually loves chud
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>>54059319 I want to hug her
>>54059325 You save her, Protect her, Do everything to please her because you genuinely want her to love you yet she decides to fall in love for a worthless dyke who keeps doing stupid shit for the sake of it. I honestly can't even bother to care about Melia anymore, Most people found it tragic she's slowly dying from magic cancer, I find it funny, Though I doubt she's ACTUALLY going to die from it....
alright time to see if two jihadbirds with quick guard + flail will do the trick
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Damn Nim actually got those goods huh
Maybe Jan should have followed through with the MC x Nim romance after all t b h
>>54059324 I keep trying to sneak around Team Xen's base but Amber is dummy thicc and the clap of her asscheeks keeps making the hyperweapon charged up
>>54059347 it doesn’t
fucking kaizo hack auto-heal
>>54059348 Nim's entire fucking plot is so convoluted and annoying that I practically phased it out of my mind for the most part because of how pointless it feels. Also Nim is a nigger who like Melia has some chronic disease/curse, Except unlike Melia's, Her's sucks the soul out of people, So not only is she a nigger, Which is already a massive turn-off but she's also dangerous to be around.
>>54059347 >>54059352 didn’t matter
combusken is amazing
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
least deranged british person
>>54059343 the worst part is that she actively reciprocates a lot of it, like in that scene
but no apparently venam despite being an actively terrible person who steals shit, tries to jew her way into easy money, and has generally done nothing beyond one or two scenes that easily could've been replicable by the player (carrying melia through angie's rape dimension, comforting melia after jenner's death), it's a healthy lesbian relationship
when the domestic abuse starts which one do you think will be the instigator?
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
singles names
>>54059359 good job
>>54059357 the funny thing is that her plot is probably the most integral to the core plot of the game, besides melia herself obviously
you wouldn't know it because jan has no idea how to write a story that doesn't go in 10000 different directions, each one based on a recent anime he watched
>>54059361 Venam literally has no purpose in Terajuma other than furthering Jan's disgusting fetish, Can you imagine if this game wasn't made by a nigger faggot and allowed you to have a cute, Normal relationship with Melia were you take care of her, Comfort her and she reciprocates your love in return, That would be touching and it would make me CARE about her, But no, PURITY LESBIAN FANFIC NEEDS TO BE SHOVED IN OUR FACES.
>>54059367 Durkhan
>>54059361 What if this is all a set up for a Xenoblade 3 Esque ending where Protag fucks Venam, Aelita, AND Melia and the unnessisary /u/ is just set up for sister-wifehood.
>>54059361 I had forgotten that it was confirmed, and remembered you and Melia having a ton of scenes together. So I was very confused until I got to that scene as to why everyone was seemly on the same page that they were dykes. It's very tacked on. My bet is on Venam throwing the first punch.
>>54059376 Venam has no relevance to anything.
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>>54059367 Snips
>>54059387 considering Jan admits to ripping off every popular piece of anime-related media, maybe it’s more likely than we think
but also remember this game was written by the #1 fan of cockblocking
also I would have preferred an Aelita/Amber/Tesla harem but Venam, Melia, and the others joining would be appreciated
Final question related to my mono-Rock run before it starts, Do you guys think I should get a new Rock type whenever I am given gift Pokemon via help quests or doing stuff like helping Karrina? I ask because the variety of Rock types available early in the game is shit and even with a set that I specifically designed to deal with Valerie on normal difficulty, I still think the run is going to be a massive hassle. Also I think I will start with 2 rock starters, Lycanroc and Aelita (Regirock). Any suggestions?
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
of all the parts of this game they had to expand upon
why this part that barely anyone likes and wants to get out of as soon as possible so they're not locked out of the rest of the map
>>54059390 the funny thing is that jan even added a bunch of melia x venam scenes, like the bridal carry in angie's dimension
so if you still didn't pick up on it whatsoever, it's because the melia x mc scenes are just so damn prominent that it's still an utterly bizarre and confusing 'twist'
>>54059387 i'm generally optimistic of jan, all of the shitposting aside, but yeah that's weapon grade copium there bud, sorry
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and now I don’t have to use jihadbirds to fill team slots when I don’t want to
>>54059409 >he has copium dafuq
I thought Melia took all of it
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
you don't say....
>>54059406 >Chapter 1 : Geodude >Chapter 2 : Carbink, Lunatone, Solrock, Slugma, Onix, Rolycoly, Bonsly this actually isn't terrible, on top of regirock and rockruff
but if you're going to do that, i would probably give yourself a random fossil in place of each giftmon
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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already looks annoying
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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this hack really would be about 100x worse without first impression for all the shitty dark types spamming sucker punch
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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3 members down on a blind run with an unoptimized team this fight is a joke by this hack's standards
>>54059419 I was thinking of asking the lads on the thread for a random Rock type suggestion every time I got a gift mon, I'd like to have the fossil mons available early mostly for the sake of having variety. Regirock is only going be my secondary starter cus a lad previously suggested I should take it along as a means of remembering Aelita.
wtf I’m not even playing modded rejuvenation this is wack
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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and thank fuck this battle is easy, because the cutscene before it is long as shit
>bewear for weavile >golem for lucario >golisochad for krookodile >sneedozam for lapras if i get a sucker punch user, it deals with this thing better
>>54059432 sure, that works
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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Whiteouts: 294
this fight is solved thoughbeit
i hate using that terminology but that's just how fights in this piece of shit hack need to be viewed
>>54059458 no, it's just regular rejuvenation.
>laugh track plays Anonymous
>>54059466 switching out fixed shit
PROTIP: Don’t use shadow mons in double battles
Rock Potato
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
i too utter the same words upon getting chucked by sneedoking
>>54059472 good luck
>>54059470 just don't even use them in general lol
it's not like jan wants you to use them which is why they completely disappear from the game not even a fourth of the way through
now I finally have usable fire stab for the jihadbirds
>>54059472 FIVE LPS AT ONCE
Rock Potato
I never understood why Jan decided to put some of the GDC characters early in the game, Sure Erin I kinda understand, But why is Flora even in Gearan lab in the first place when that schizo fuck she calls a friend has his own lab anyway? This feels pointless.
Quoted By:
>>54059481 It's to make them seem more relevant then they are.
Rock Potato
I'm not going to use any of 'em but I need to pick one to progress the game, Any suggestions?
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>>54059494 starter choice doesn’t change any fights
however, in the future, if you’re not bound by monotype restrictions, then pick Torchic, this is the only opportunity to get one and it’s a monster with speed boost and great offensive typing + stats + movepool
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
more blatant player x melia shit
you know what writefag if you can, make the story melia x anon just for the express purpose of pissing jan and all the literal yuricucks off what i would say, but image limit
i guess i need to make new bread soon
>>54059479 at least we're all playing the same game i guess
next time we should do the same thing, but have everyone play a different game to mess with lurkers
>>54059481 it's because jan writes the story as he goes
when he introduces a new plot point, he then goes back to retroactively justify placing something in the game by making it into a chekov's gun
this is extremely common among lazy writers who don't plan out their stories to begin with and thus everything seems half assed and disjointed
>>54059494 do grenigger for the funsies
have it become a honorary rockmon once it gets smack down, gets it pretty early too iirc
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>>54059500 Ah yes, Greninja, Ren's signature pokemon. Or is it Silvally or something else?
>>54059500 >next time we should do the same thing, but have everyone play a different game to mess with lurkers If anything I would want to play reborn, and have everyone use the online function to fight after every gym.
Rock Potato
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>>54059513 Honestly a thread in which we all play Reborn and suffer through it together would be kinda fun.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
just dropped
>>54059516 >just dropped >>54059516 just dropped
>>54059516 >just dropped >>54059516 just dropped
>>54059516 >just dropped >>54059516 just dropped
>>54059516 >just dropped >>54059516 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>54059513 oooh
that could be fun
maybe if we have like 8 or more lurkers we could have a tournament during the postgame
winner gets some monopoly money and maybe his team saved for a potential /vp/ rejuv hack