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119KiB, 646x908, SwordkingX5-480819-mabeelz_09_08_18_006_by_mabeelz-dcmcs01[1].jpg
Quoted By: >>54067835 >>54068011
Can someone reupload writefuck's folder? edition.
https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/BSearch_5060_1W_2 Reminder that you have until July 31, 10:59PM (PT) to get the 5* Garchomp sync pair if you haven't, it has trainer lodge access
QOTD:what do you think happened to Cynthia's Lickilicky and Altaria? They exist in the TCG, apparently
https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/BSearch_5060_1W_2 Reminder that you have until July 31, 10:59PM (PT) to get the 5* Garchomp sync pair if you haven't, it has trainer lodge access
QOTD:what do you think happened to Cynthia's Lickilicky and Altaria? They exist in the TCG, apparently