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No.54071266 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
didn't post in that other thread cuz you guys were all being deeply autistic. But no, Florges should not be Grass Type. For several reasons. First and the most important: the Florges line was created to showcase the Fairy Type in its debut generation. It COULD NOT be Fairy/Grass, because if they had done that, people would walk away with misconceptions about Fairy Type matchups. Players would think Fairy was weak to Ice, or that it resists Water. It would have been a very bad game design move. Flabébé is placed very early in X & Y for the explicit purpose of teaching players what this new Fairy Type thing is and how it interacts.

Second of all, look at Florges's abilities. They are Flower Veil, which is completely useless to Florges as it only benefits Grass Types, and SYMBIOSIS. That's the point everyone is failing to understand. Florges is a SYMBIOTIC organism with flowers. It is fulfilling a mutualistic role in the ecosystem. A symbiotic relationship can only exist in 2 organisms which are DIFFERENT. If it was a Grass Type, Florges's relationship with flowers would no longer be a symbiotic one. If Flower Veil benefits ITSELF then that completely ruins the whole altruistic/symbiotic theme they were going for.

Florges is deliberately designed to ASSIST Grass Types, it's not supposed to actually be one. That's like the entire point. Making it actually a Grass Type goes against what it is conceptually.