>>54088896I know this likely isn't a serious reply to my own post and is probably mostly a troll, but I'm bored and have nothing better to do.
>GSC is riddled with bugs and glitchesAnd yet, it's not literally three button presses away from falling apart.
It's actually a fairly competently programmed game. Even some Mario Land 1 was less well programmed than GSC.
>Off-model garbage spritesBut anon, these sprites WERE the model?
Also, while psychic IS immune to ghost in gen 1, the anime is the only source for ghost types being strong against psychics. The manga never considered it as such. I suspect it was changed for both balancing and to line up closer to the anime, which was the main driver of Pokemania at the time.
>Even worse on actual hardware GBCPokemon Gold and Silver are backwards compatible with the BACKLIT Gameboy I have. The musical tones were largely softened by the speaker's quality.
>The Gameboy only survived due to TetrisI like the Gamegear and Atari Lynx as much as the next person, but the Gameboy is the easiest to program out of the 3, and it also has the longest lasting battery life, as well as the fewest batteries.
Batteries were fairly expensive and somewhat rare back then, and the Gamegear and Atari Lynx's large appetite for them added up very quickly.
On another tangent, I hope you recapped your Gamegear. Sega's cheaping out on capacitors means that the Gamegear is now a ticking bomb, and once the capacitor begins to leak, your entire system is unrecoverable.
>Same thing.No, no it's not. "Undercooked RELATIVE" is very different to "half-baked." You can half-bake a cake, you cannot undercook a cake relative to another cake.
>SteakI actually like myself a rare steak, but you CAN eat an actual steak.