>Wagie whites out to a ridiculously rigged fight 54 times in a rowand dies inside >An anon accidentally derails the thread by mentioning official games’ pokegirls >Jannies completely fuck up their one job again >And Musk commits arson Whiteout counter: 573
Badges: 14
Acts of terrorism: 1
Confirmed deaths: 120
A Pokemon is ordered to attack a trainer directly: 22
Someone gets enslaved: 3
Bugs: 6
Someone has a legendary: 18
Changes that benefit the opponent but not the player: Too many
Powerful items before you can access them: Too many
Opponents have megas before player gets them/opponents have multiple megas or megas holding regular items: 50
Previous Threads: /vp/ plays MEGA folder (contains writefaggotry, art, screenshot spam, and extras): Place where lurkers can submit shit for handholding kino: What the fuck is this garbage?
>This is a modified version of Pokemon Rejuvenation that adds a tiny bit of “QoL changes” (removal of IVs and making EVs re-allocatable at will) while making the game cancerously harder with just about every form of cheating you could think of and didn’t think of >Multiple abilities on opposing pokemon, banning player access to certain moves, opposing megas/crested mons with items, 6v12 battles, unchangeable fields the player can’t easily make teams to abuse, illegal IVs/EVs, overleveled opponents, and much more >Remember, it's not getting filtered if I find a way past the filter >Decisions are made via GETs when people actually give a shit about them. (dubs override singlets, trips override dubs and cause thread-long rules, quads override trips and cause permanent rules within reason, etc) GET rules:
>there was something regarding nicknames here back when musk was running the playthrough but wagie stopped caring
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first for the thread’s sponsor Sneed’s Feed & Seed
Were they playing YIIK or Bravely Default when they came up with this.
>no the game has not been updated since then >v13.5 is coming out within a few months (lol) so just wait for that They take so much time for an update that isn't even a major one holy shit.
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>>54092103 Bravely Default probably. If it was YIIK, your character would've stopped everything just to say "please explain how is this possible", and then we would be railroad into a cutscene longer than the ones in Empire and Desolation united together.
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>>54092403 Everything needs to be autistically remade again, please understand.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
oh cool bread didn't go stale
might need to take some breaks today but i at least want to get to nightmare school
this bug while opening the remote pc has crashed my game about 10 times so far
i'm so fucking tired of seeing it
>>54092103 the actual answer is danganronpa, jan was heavily attuned to that shit while doing v13
but bravely default for this section in particular
>>54092403 it's not a minor update
that's what it was supposed to be (just quests for v13.5) but then jan being jan decided to make it a full overhaul of the entire game (despite v13 being just that to begin with)
the reasoning provided was that this could lay the groundwork for v14 and to prevent any future overhauls but i guarantee when we're a year through v14 development we'll get a blog post about "gee guys this idea just came to me i NEEDED to implement it" which will then expand into overhauling the whole game AGAIN because jan is an ADHD riddled zoomer faggot who's the classic example of a retarded ideaguy with actual manpower to fuel his retardation
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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anyway, nim fight ig let's see how long it takes for me to look up a guide on this shit too
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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like the hazuki fight from base game, it seems like not all of her pokemon have negative speed EVs or the negative speed EVs just can't get them that slow regardless, the lapras and the gothitelle have 'reasonable' speed that you can...underslow normally it feels like schizophrenic to type this
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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and another pokemon i can't 'underslow' for reference, the only pokemon that would outspeed this under trick room at my current level are shuckle, pyukumuku and munchlax i guess FEAR might be effective here actually
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Just imagine....
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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after about 10 tries so Whiteouts: 584>aevian parasect/scrafty lead >parasect kills musharna with buginium z >scrafty detects >swap parasect (now a ghost, so not trapped by shadow tag) into hatterene >crunch gothitelle twice, let hatterene hit stonjourner to its sturdy >hariyama fake outs to kill stonjourner, crunch lapras progress, i guess i have no idea why aevian parasect suddenly gains 105 speed upon turning into its zombie form shouldn't the zombie form be fucking slower?
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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apparently mega camerupt can't oneshot a measly zen darmanitan with earth power shamefur dispray Whiteouts: 585
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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i've literally just been sitting here getting flinch haxed for the past 15 minutes by the fucking stonjourner's rock slide Whiteouts: 592>use hitmontop to sucker punch lapras, swap hariyama for parasect to let it die >hitmontop sucker punch and camerupt earth power beat darmanitan whatever this should be done
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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i genuinely hope this modder dies alone Whiteouts: 596
Alright time to finish this shit.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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and of course all that for a fight that doesn't even fucking matter i've never seen a game that pulls this so much and to add a hack of this difficulty on top of it there's no sense of accomplishment to any of this shit it certainly isn't fun this might be the most worthless fangame ever created
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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let's just keep going
>>54093308 if you can
the saki fight even on normal is actually just as hard as any intense fight desu
maybe even on par with this mod
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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i like how "ren's robot body is an apple-produced piece of shit that glitches out constantly" has been a plot point for two chapters straight fix your shit nigger
>>54093031 >this bug while opening the remote pc has crashed my game about 10 times so fa I've easily had it happen over 100 times.
Granted I'm playing this through wine. Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
bread was theorizing tesla would have a moltres or heatran but i wonder if she'll have a volcanion especially given the shadow volcanion thing had a mother it was stolen from, it was the whole 'point' of that rift, and tesla's main characterization is how motherly she is
You know this whole artificial body thing throws a wrench into impregnating Aelita.
Then again it'd be funny to imagine that these things are so hyperadvanced it can do that anyway.
>>54093401 desu I forgot Volcanion existed, so it's possible too.
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>red card golem sends out Naganadel turbo early >its health bar is still up for the rest of the team lol
>>54093436 jan actually said yes when I asked him if the black boxes used for bodies loke the played’s could reproduce
and jan actually said yes somehow
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Detect has stopped working in my game.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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ok i take back what i said earlier, venam getting vored is a fine sense of accomplishment
also, unchanged fight (thank god)
>>54093400 it's only been recent for me
i think it's because melia/erin's cybernav is different than the actual mc's and something fucks up since the hacker couldn't code for shit
>>54093482 you WILL NOT win a single battle
pokemon battles WILL NOT be relevant
I suddenly have a feeling that this is going to be bullshit.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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jihadbird fuel can't melt shitty game design
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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how would ren not even know this...?
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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also, given that cassandra fights us herself later down the line, why not try and fight us here herself...? i mean i know that'd be a 3v2 and that'd be incomprehensible by this game's standards, but at least try to make sense
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>auto perma sun i guess there's precedent given that madelis was also able to somehow summon sunny weather during an earlier cave fight
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
time to waste another hour here Whiteouts: 597 didn't i reach 500 like 2 threads ago
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>>54093493 how did I not notice I made so many typos in that
oh well
>>54093521 Turns out 4/6th of her team can't deal with shedinja.
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aelita’s boobs
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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Whiteouts: 600
yeah, this isn't as bad as first thought
i just need to win 'RNG stop fucking me over challenge' (IMPOSSIBLE)
>>54093598 ...i'm not going to question why you fight her on flower garden
but duly noted, i'll remember that if i get desperate
good job on completing this dogshit hack
>>54093554 >Madelis has a male lycanroc YEAH YOU REALLY JUST KNOW
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
i guess i should say what i'm doing
>lead poliwrath/politoed >sleep lilligant, kill pyroar with flip turn >kill lilligant (has sash) then i just need to take down florges with copperajah and lycanroc with ludicolo
last attempt i got fucked by rock slide flinch, though this time it's actually kind of justified as when you set rain against the sun, it makes a rainbow overlay which doubles secondary effect chances
>>54093647 this hack was designed by a literal nigger and the genders of her pokemon flipflop
this attempt she had a male pyroar too
..but who am i kidding, the only sex madelis can get is from dogs
>>54093657 >the only sex madelis can get is from dogs wasn’t it stated numerous threads ago that she rides every cock in Team Xen
including the grunts and their male pokemon
I do not want to rape her
not worth risking any of a number of STDs
and I really don’t want to risk giving any to any of the cute girls that are actually worth the time
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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i will begrudgingly admit this is an actual well designed fight madelis can account for rain turning the field to dark crystal, but not in a way that becomes oppressively obnoxious and you can reasonably fight back actually not that terrible Whiteouts: 601
As I've finished this hack I'd like to write out my thoughts on it. This is a poorly thought out, poorly executed disaster of a hack with very few redeeming qualities. The refusal to stick to it's own rules, the obfuscation of information from the player, and the insane stat bloat causes this hack to feel like a bad joke. The constant crashes, bugs, and general lack of polish shows the lack of care that went into this shit. Overall this is a dogshit hack made by a nigger, and enjoyed by trannies. I award it 0 points, and may god have mercy on the creator's soul.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
only 5 whiteouts? you're getting soft, game
>>54093671 i don't think even the xen grunts (who are literally soulless husks made of evil) would want anything to do with madelis either
even pokemon would have too much dignity to touch the disease ridden weed garden she calls a vagina
>>54093688 couldn't have said it any better myself
though i'll do one of my own when all is said and done, i have a few different criticisms
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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let me predict how venam's character arc in ch14 is going to go>acts really angsty and annoying >makes tons of bad jokes / says bitchy things >has a realization she's a bitch and fucks over everything and is incredibly unlikable by everyone >melia in her infinite compassion and patience accepts her apology and move on (despite the fact this has happened 10 times already) >throw in some yuribait despite the fact melia and venam have the chemistry of battery acid and bleach
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
all in all though it's an effective tactic i know at least one discordtroon community i kind of frequented went from absolutely despising this game and reborn to adoring this game, entirely because of the yuribait jan might not know how to write a game but he knows how to please trannies
>>54093757 Where's the MC?
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>>54093767 Porking Aelita in front of the Axis High gates.
Actual answer: seperate parties
>>54093702 >implying the grunts/pokemon Madelis molests are fucking her willingly Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
no better way to do character development than to handle it entirely offscreen
>>54093767 sorry, i guess i assumed that everyone was already familiar with this game, i forgot a couple lurkers are just utterly confused at this clusterfuck of a plot
so the point of this section is that we need 3 macguffins from different areas across the region so the mc can awaken his true powers
the main group separates into 3, and the player has to play out each 'path' involving the attempts to get the macguffins
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
but he's in a fucking...robot body
>>54093788 godDAMN
i knew team xen was evil but that's going way too far
>>54093791 if Jan stops being a faggot he’ll make the diamond/pearl “””””routes””””” (a term he does not understand) skippable for people who already suffered through them
and they’re not experienced my the main character anyways so why should they be mandatory to play through
oh wait somehow literally every section involving controlling another character besides chapter 5 involves some form of retarded or cancerous section
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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of course
Whiteouts: 602
i need to head out for a bit
i will get to nightmare school today though
>>54093818 honestly just go the extra mile and make all of the routes skippable and just get right to the puppet master fight, skip the doppelganger shit too no one cares
and yeah that'll axe the 'bad ending route' but FUCK that garbage
i know jan is implementing the password system from reborn in 13.5 so we can only hope where the point is literally to try and customize the game to make it more playable, but i'm not holding my breath
>>54093810 if that slutty hag tries getting near Anon she’ll experience what it’s like to be ignited with several forms of fire at once
at the current part of my fire monotype, there’s:
>regular fire >lava that’s supposedly hotter than the sun (magcargo) >lava in high volumes (camerupt) >burning coal chunks lodged into flesh (coalossal) >magic ki fire (blaziken) >magic never-healing fire (houndoom) >probably some kind of bug bite that makes the victim feel a really painful burning feeling (larvesta) >ghost fire (marowak) and more later on
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>>54093858 now that I think of it I think Amber would have a lot of fun doing a contest with Anon to see who can set Xen niggers alight with more types of fire simultaneously burning one Xen nigger than the other’s walking bonfire
besides, after her gym battle she states to the player that she has a burning hatred for Team Xen and is indifferent at minimum when they die
>nigger is dying in another thread because of how shitty this fanhack is >wagie is dying in this thread because of how shitty this fanhack is How do we stop this?
That's turbo fucked
>>54094116 You can't bro
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Time to kill granny
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>>54094116 and I’m causing someone else to die on clodown because of how toxic stall is one of the few reliable ways to kill things in the uber-bulky meta of pokemon wack OU
>>54094392 Over is right it's almost been an hour and she just keeps fucking me.
Can we make this a double battle in the /vp/ hack?
>>54093688 Radical Reddit mentality
>>54094407 just make every fucking battle where there’s someone next to the player a double battle
sure the team might be shit if it’s not Aelita but at least it’ll be a 6v12
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
let's keep going
limping to the fucking end at this point
>>54094407 wait, what?
i thought it was a double battle normally
>>54094443 no
you WILL be forced to fight on your own and your victory will never mean anything when you do
the rules are non-negotiable
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
couldn't you have just taken your pokemon out...and destroyed it? are pokemon just that irrelevant to this entire game?
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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why are we engaging in petty teen drama now of all times
>>54094476 i've seen people claim this game is actually le not edgy at all because it doesn't have things like corey's suicide or medicham's lava bath
so, uh, about that
Can I steal her Aegislash
>>54094459 Maybe I needed to click "..." instead of "I've got this" but it doesn't matter no more.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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oh i never even noticed this
there's going to be some gay shit like all legendaries were actually just failed archetype infusion experiments huh
all the actually strong pokemon are just humans, that seems par for the course with this game
>>54094490 i didn't even think that should matter
either way, good job
now time for a disappointingly easy fight followed by two of the most bullshit ones in the game
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
who's an edgy little boy? YOU are! YOU are!
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>>54094527 Ohhhh I want to choke this little hypocrite so fucking haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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Confirmed deaths: who cares anymore
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
imagine if jan actually did have the balls to kill melia off would it cause mass seethe? celebration? would jan ack himself after doing it?
That is one lame fucking design
>>54094572 If he does plan to kill her off in the end he'll rip off Persona 3's ending so we "have" to cry about it.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>ren finally had someone inside him look, our boy's moving up in the world.
maybe one day he can do it the proper way
>>54094580 i'm already expecting the PMD ending, desu
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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this fight is pretty easy in the base game which means it's likely going to be hell in this one
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
what even is the difference between this and the executives
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I really appreciate the cocksucking game. Also What the shit?
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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like yeah she's 'higher ranked' but she's not really that much stronger than madelis or more in charge of things like nastasia i guess jan just needed a new title so you could take this character seriously
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>cutscene shows two deathwings getting their asses physically beaten by ren/venam >they still proceed to not help us out in this fight >when even in the base game, ren/venam will actually help out during the nim fight there's almost no point in making fun of it anymore
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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this thing has power herb meteor beam i wonder if the buffed power herb in this game is ever available to the player (it isn't)
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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god it's so nice to have a boss that's not some autistic doubles fight
i think the last singles fight was melia of all things
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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Whiteouts: 603 time to start grinding
>Mr. Blakeory was later found dead in his cell with two gunshots to the back of his cell, suicide is being the primary suspect.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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oh, so i just realized something the modder must have changed it so that meteor beam only requires 1 turn to work on this field, because it doesn't have power herb, it has a seed again, nothing communicated via the changelog and/or the field manual
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>>54094746 Blakeory didn't kill himself
>>54094470 Yes. Next question?
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>>54094813 Why are you the way that you are?
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
with very specific EVs, you can just barely kill the crustle with specially bulky samurott
i don't know why samurott gets vacuum wave in this hack but i'll take it
>>54094826 i'm assuming melia is going to live because of all the archetype holders she's actually super speshul and she'll be able to will the god cancer out
or maybe there will be timeline shenanigans and madame x overlapping vore
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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i was wondering why she was sending out a serperior on a full HP jihadbird oh btw, Whiteouts: 608
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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hey guys, remember when shadow pokemon were relevant?
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>>54094907 I want to get Amber and Aelita pregnant
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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so close, yet so far. i'm pretty sure the mawile has more than 252 defensive EVs in both stats, it's living hits it really shouldn't be able to Whiteouts: 610
Wow I would've loved to use this if it was available ANYWHERE ELSE Devs must be Johto fans with the new mons being so shittly placed.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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Fire Gem Drought boosted STAB Heat Wave max special Attack Modest Heat Wave and it still can't kill i mean I guess I could just use fire blast but that means I need to spend at least 20 attempts trying to ensure I don't get a 6.25% crit chance on the crustle (has proc'd 4 of 10 attempts already) and then an 85% chance to hit fire blast well, i guess this is now Whiteouts: 613
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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Whiteouts: 616
the amount of crits, poisons, stat drops
i'm just so fucking tired
usually the rng shit in a normal game would be "well, if you play careful, you can avoid it"
here, all it is is just a very small chance for the AI to gain some kind of advantage on you which makes it impossible to win
pokemon battles were never meant to be stretched this thin in terms of what the player can fucking do
>>54094976 clearly a ghost/electric form of a decent but otherwise non-amazing pokemon would break the whole game if it were placed earlier than the 15th gym chud
>Devs must be Johto fans there is that whole johto league sidequest, tbf
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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no cost too great
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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uh, strat i guess>samurott for crustle >jihadbird for cinccino and serperior, finish off with priority >torkoal for mawile >azumarill for garchomp >toilet dragon for togekiss
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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gee, i wonder if there was something all of us have that could potentially help us out in this situation p...p...does it begin with a p...pogo? pokey? poker? something like that?
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
oh never mind it actually did get addressed, this time through lame unexplained plot contrivance, but nonetheless
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
damn, they really are big, huh
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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why? i mean i know it's the power of friendship and everything but melia has literally known nim for less than a week venam and ren have never even met her beforehand
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>>54095124 Ren's malfunctioning lol
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>>54095133 God gives you big milkers
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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why don't we have a hardcore and heart-pounding handholding session instead
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
what the fuck do you think nigger
>>54095182 yeah, it's a hard fight
i think you can still change the field on normal difficulty though
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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finally, this game has gone back to 'tolerable'
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
and now it's shifted all the way in the other direction i think i'm just going to speed through this entire fucking section i'm just done with this piece of shit hack (and game)
>>54095205 >i think i'm just going to speed through this entire fucking section It's not like there's much to this section, it's completely on rails.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
from now on, anything i will post will be cute aelita or amber things or rare plot details i bother to include fuck this entire section and fuck jan
Saki should be turned into a permanently gagged sex slave to atone for her sin (existing).
I've noticed musk and friends have been trolling jan on tumblr
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
ok, just for lurker's sake, what happens is that after the mc and everyone falls asleep they get sent to a nightmare dimension where the goal is to rat out and defeat the visorniggers
it's also a huge danganronpa ripoff because that's what jan was obsessed with at the time, and it involves every obnoxious character in the game, a bunch of really fucking stupid puzzle sections, 1000000000 lines of text, and trying to develop half a dozen different characters at once
now that that's out of the way, turbomode + X through every conversation commences
>>54095219 i wonder if jan even knows that no one fucking likes any of this shit
he seems to have convinced himself otherwise
>>54095234 the .00001% chance of one cumdrop ending up inside her and becoming a baby inheriting those genes is not a chance any living human should take
>>54095196 Just tried to, didn't change.
>>54095234 You think fucking her silly would end up just making her normal
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>>54095234 >>54095286 waste of cum that could go towards knocking up the redheads and Aelita
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
not changed
i honestly can't tell if the non-changed fights like this make the hack worse or better
on the one hand, don't have to spend an hour here
on the other, it's a massively jarring difficulty curve that's even worse than the regular game
holy shit
>tw n slur do not take this hateful person seriously cant believe it took this long desu i debated responding to this bc its not worth it and i dont care ive been called worse but i find it kinda funny Anonymous
>>54095308 >i dont care ive been called worse alright guys fess up
which one of you called him the forbidden extra strong slur
>>54095251 >i wonder if jan even knows that no one fucking likes any of this shit I assume 90% of the retards on the forum, and discord server for this game think this is one of if not the best thing ever written.
>>54095308 A lot of these fights are either unchanged, or minimally changed.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
i actually had to try to lose this fight haha
fuck huey
also wtf even is this
is this jan's cuckoldry manifesting by having the player intentionally lose to the biggest beta male in the entire game
>>54095312 i think musk is the only one who asks questions, idk though
could be some random retard rightfully shitting on the game
>>54095314 i've been on the reborncord and i know that they actually don't like rejuvenation's story very much, or at least it's a popular take
people love to speculate on what's going to happen, but i've never heard a ton of praise for it (beyond the characters, and specifically ever only in the context of aelita or melia x venam yuritroon shipping)
>>54095317 i mean i guessed as much, less work overall
the base game also has this issue where you go from a hard as fuck fight like angie to the easy as fuck cassandra and nightmare school and then hazuki, geara and saki are all ridiculous
>>54095286 that's retarded
i'm not really sure what's in your box, but maybe you could try something immune to burn and start popping seeds. i imagine houndoom would do well, for instance
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
obligatory cute amber scene #2
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>>54095368 amber and aelita become even cuter when they’re in proximity to eachother
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
oh wtf this is actually like a fight now Whiteouts: 617 i'm not counting the stupid fucking huey shit fuck off
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>54095382 you don't need to win this to proceed, so fine
the cruelest part of this chapter beyond sitting through hours of text is that this doesn't stick
please god do not force me to do the bad ending so i can kill huey
just give me the option normally
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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nice to actually be control of myself again>OH MY SCIENCE TYRONE! WHY ISN'T MY LIBERAL ARTS MAJOR LE HECKIN USEFUL? COLLEGES ARE LITERALLY SLAVERY! not that i don't agree that colleges are run by the longnose clan but get the fuck over yourself jan
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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this is an actual fight you have to win, so i guess i'll show this
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please eat my pipe bomb
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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as other rejuv mm anon showed off at some point, this is steel silvally with 30 abilities active or whatever the shit it is
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
i was speeding up but also he has dragonite and alolan golem alolan golem has giga impact and that dumb item that prevents recharge turns, so it spams galvanize giga impact
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>>54095490 Melmetal can't hit shedinja if you're having trouble with it.
>Sleepover with Venam, Saki, and Amber If only it was just Amber..
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>>54095560 why not one with Amber and Aelita
just two cute tomboys to cuddle with
OK these last few storybeats were kinda cute
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
starting out with explosion alolan golem (using a sash, i don't care, you can clone shit in this game who gives a fuck) for silvally
rampardos for this shit
>>54095519 thanks, but i do want to try a few things before i click the "I Win" button
>>54095540 >>54095560 nice job on the really fast saki clear and beating the game until jan gets off his retarded ass
when should we expect writefaggotry?
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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yeah, as i assumed, GODroom seems to be a decent answer for the melmetal
>Aggronite is Unavailable it's over...
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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but not for this whatever, this fight doesn't seem bad at all probably using aerodactyl for this, some ground type for golem, and then i have a free mega i can use for dragonite
>>54095607 I'll probably make a team summery image and make one last piece.
I know I said the Anju breeding would be the last one but I got one last flare of inspiration from this shitstorm of a game.
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>>54095642 threesome with amber and aelita pls
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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that works too
Whiteouts: 621
>>54095622 too strong for the player, chud
all you get is glalilite and abomasite
...and apparently mawilite too, before you get shit like aggronite or gemlossalnite
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>Rift Stakataka Brown Bricks?
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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if only also, i'm just taking the free whiteout here, as i assume i don't need to beat this to move on Whiteouts: 622
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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if it could be that simple whatever, it looks like an easy enough fight
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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leads with mamoswine
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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has a faggot sash
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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i don't know why i was able to outspeed it here?
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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fug but this fight is basically over whiteouts: 623
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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an actually non-bullshit fight from this game ..though that is probably just the regular intense team with pulse3 shit slapped on haphazardly
wagie didn’t post in the last 15 minutes i think he got filtered
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>>54095804 There's just a lot of text.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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no i just got something to eat and the game is boring as fuck or boring for me and the lurkers, that is, not boring for saki
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
also, who could forget such great and relevant sequences like this
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
you will not get me to feel bad for saki game she deserves far worse than this
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>54095874 aaaaAaAAAaAAAAAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAaAAaaAaaaa!!!!!!
so scary!!!!1!1!!1!1
>>54095560 I want to see those stupid statues of Saki get destroyed via a .50 cal machine gun
>>54095336 >tfw when you know Aelita shouldn't lose to this guy and has to hold back and fail on purpose because her power level is too high. Anonymous
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
>jan! our story sucks ass! what do we do?? time travel didn't work! >no problem zumi...i have the solution. let's introduce le heckin MULTIVERSE like in my MARVEL KINO >>54095885 i don't even get the fucking point of why it has to be le scary
it's 'just' saki getting her memories erased
we've literally seen people get mass murdered, blown up, killed or traumatized in various numbers of ways
but a girl gets her memory erased and it's suddenly ultimate nightmare fuel?
>>54095922 kek
i guess jan wanted to humiliate aelita even more, for no reason
>>54095846 Time to kill robots! lolololololololololol
>>54095846 the robots aren’t even real so we can’t use them to feed our aggron
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>>54095932 >muh multiverserino! just like my capeshit movies! Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
imagine getting friendzoned during the apocalypse
now i know why crescent is as fucked up as she is
>>54095940 its ok
they confirmed that the visorniggers are robots so we'll just feed them to the aggron instead
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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no it's le sad music i cri now ;(
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
my entire team is already dead LOL
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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yeah this is going to be a joy to figure out also obligatory 'cannot change the field' in this shit how does dark crystal cavern even make sense for aevis
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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oh neat, you don't have to win so what the fuck literally the only semi-hard fight in this entire section is the random masknigger goon what a waste of fucking time
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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I AM THOU, THOU ART- ah wait, wrong game
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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so for lurkers who don't know what's going on...ah, just stay that way, it's not like the explanation makes anymore sense
Anonymous Why Alain is the only mc with a team of nicknamed pokemon? And is he the only regular mc to not have a starter? And what's up with his Pikachu?
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>>54096008 >And is *And why is
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
so to sum up
multiversal travelers came to this world for some reason so they could fulfill a task for some reason and then began fucking people up for some reason so they could do something for some reason and then they realized they could die so apparently, they wanted immortality which they could obtain by body hopping, somehow
great plot
>>54096008 alain is the most popular mc on the trannycord so i would assume that has something to do with it
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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i can hear the cheers (in deep male voices) of thousands of trannies across the world
>>54096024 Can we remove this entire plot and just make the visorniggers the real Jean and Xana holy shit
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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i don't know why jan felt the need to bring back this character with a vengeance in this chapter
but i really, really hate it
>>54096033 inside is yellow ;)
>>54096046 overcomplex bullshit riddled with holes is the jan specialty neverthoughbeit
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>>54095951 the visorniggers’ bodies get rebuilt after each “death”
step 1: find their rebuilding machines
2: make modifications so they’re trapped, can’t move, and are forced to suffer extreme burning agony as they’re set alight upon being built
3: when their bodies finally fail, feed the crispy wrecks to an aggron
step 4: repeat
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
honestly one of the things i like most about this game is how weirdly comfy it feels maybe i'm going schizophrenic over this hack but i like how this guy could just live down here for months and laze around akuwa town and kristiline are much the same way, you kind of get the feeling no one actually even works there, they just fish or something if they're hungry and live in free houses i could also just be jealous because of my wagieness
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
ok well i said i was going to actually beat this upcoming fight but i'll leave it to lurkers instead evens decide if i want to torture myself for 100 trys on the most bullshit 6v12 yet
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>>54096061 for me it’s living in a beach resort with a beautiful, doting MILF and her cute tomboy daughter and raising a family with both of them, while also having a comfortable quiet forest village to live in and wrestle with another beautiful tomboy MILF and giving her that huge family she’s always longed for
>>54096074 Just lose, it's not worth it.
>Make a stupid post about how Gamefreak fucked up after gen 7, Go to sleep, Some retards start bickering over your post, Next day I find out I was caught in the crossfire and despite not having said anything that was even remotely ban worthy, The Jannies still banned me over something that isn't even my fault. Feels fucking great man.....
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>>54096061 Oh this game has really good visuals, no question about it I really like the 13.5 screenshots because of this
>>54096074 The rewards not worth it this late in the game, lose.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
why does every villain in this game have cutscene power
aelita had enough time to have a little conversation with her and the bitch just up and walks away
fuck you
>>54096093 >>54096103 >>54096109 >>54096110 not even one weedle huh
well, one less headache
>>54096094 i've seen threads on /tv/ and /v/ where all it takes is one nigger posting a wojak for everyone in the thread to get banned
trannyjannyism is just an inevitable fact of life
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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yeah, this certainly is one of the fights of all time we all know this is complete and utter bullshit (on top of just not making sense, this is probably even worse than the isha fight) so let's just move on
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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oh, and i didn't want to forget the fucking corrosion sniper naganadel that starts with the auto-crit seed
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>>54096094 there’s a rule against off topic posts and starting flamewars/genwars
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
shut the fuck up you also lose friendship points with everyone for losing this shit, despite the fact that no one comes to your aid
>>54096154 who the fuck cares we’re deleting this save and hack after saki anyways
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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i can't really blame her, desu
of course, the negress gotta die for threatening amber as well
>>54096157 no, i can't
not until the hacker acks himself or the game gets fully finished
when my sanity is in ashes....that is when i will allow this hack to die
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
+1 to image limit. yes contribution.
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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new loaf soon maybe, if the game wills it, i could maybe make it to saki tonight i only have 2 of the hardest fights in the fucking game ahead
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
>the jews stealing from tyrone instead of the white man well, this is a fantasy game after all
>>54096201 another contribution
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>54096222 checked
>>54096227 sneeded
Vagrant Dos !!jFV8SjIrokx