>>54101173I think you can boil it down to a few categories, which you can observe by spending sufficient time on this board attempting to use it for its purpose, discussing Pokémon:
>sunk-cost fallacy tardsPeople who have spent so much time, energy and money on the Pokémon franchise that they simple have to defend every little misstep or flat out ignore it, some of them seem to have almost a sexual fetish for humiliation
>furries and coomersWhether they're incels or not, have gf/bf or not, they're only obsessed with sexualizing everything and cooming over and over every day; they get excited for new content and will always defend it purely for the potential new sexually alluring cartoon children (or dogs)
>paid shillsBit of cross with the sunk-cost fallacy types since people like Joe Merrick have skin in the game even though Gamefreak acts like they don't exist. There seems to be a real effort on the part of journos or people who like to pretend they know anything about video games to defend very obviously lazy gamedev decisions.