>>54119769If we go by the surface-level interpretation of the Pokémon world about Pokémon being slaves then, No. But it's clear, that's not how Game Freak sees it. They instead want the Pokémon to be shown enjoying being with humans. So based on that and using my headcanon to fill the gaps, definitely yes. Changing how things work in fiction can change what's right and wrong in it.
I played PMD Blue a lot and playing as a Pokémon makes fun gameplay. However, I wouldn't want to be a Pokémon in the PMD world as to me it's too simple. There doesn't seem to be much to do there. Also, I like PMD for the gameplay way more than the story. Being any Pokémon IRL sounds horrible.
While Mew is my favourite Pokémon I wouldn't want to be one. Being a Mythical or Legendary does not sound fun. Instead, my choice is Mime Jr. which is why in those two threads about pretending to be Pokémon I RPd as one. That's why it's my second favourite Pokémon. I had never RPd before so I wonder how I did.
In particular, these specific posts I made give a good idea of how I would want to live as a Pokémon:
>>54093624>>54094893>>54103650To sum it up:
My favourite type is Psychic so I imagine as one that I can use telekinesis to move objects to some limited degree.
Evolution Stages and Levels are different from ageing so I would intentionally never evolve to stay little and cute with little to no downsides.
I would be petted and hugged for being so cute.
I imagine Pokéballs turn a Pokémon's body into some compressed matter with their consciousness kept separate in a nice simulation.
I would want to be the Pokémon of a Pokémon Coordinator so I can participate in Pokémon Contests since I always wanted Pokémon Contests in the games to be more of a thing.
Being a simple pet could be fine too but a bit too simple for me so being a contestmon sounds fun. I see it as a fun, cute, comfy and wholesome life.
Playing pretend is fun and harmless as long as it stays just that.