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No.54129528 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Make a simple thread discussing why other Champions are more popular than Leon despite how much shilling he's gottten over the past few years
>Get banned for ***spamming***
The absolute fucking state of Leonfags.
Just how fragile can you be?

Everyone, from today on, remember this:
Every time you see a Leonfag in the wild.
Every time they try to argue that he's the most popular.
Every time they try to argue that he's the strongest.
Never forget that you're talking with someone whose face is full of snot and tears in reality, all while pretending to be as smug as possible, doing their utmost to pretend their butthurt tears do not exist. Just like Leon does every time he loses.
Never forget that hat every time you're talking with a Leonfag, you're talking with someone who holds the pathetic and sad mentality of a janny.
That they literally are jannies.
That Leonfags literally do it for free.