>>54132818Dude, do you realize how ridiculous the concept in the Pokemon world actually is for Pokemon to not be known in it? Particularly because the Pokedex seems to already be filled in with entries with shadows, habitats, and the kids seemingly add their own descriptions when they find these Pokemon? Half the professors use Oak's Pokedex system but Oak apparently never even realized more than 151 existed despite giving them to these people. Did the people in Sinnoh just forget everything documented for them only a couple hundred years ago by Lucas/Dawn when they saved reality? How has Elm made studying eggs his area of expertise but seemingly never seen an egg in his life until the Togepi one when less than like two towns away from him there's an entire enterprise around eggs being laid and how is it some insane thing to have happen?
How do Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn not know of the literal god of the Pokemon world after Lucas/Dawn were sent to the past and wandered around with a fragment of him in Sinnoh? How did the people of Hoenn not realize Klefki existed until ORAS when it steals keys and attacks people for their keys? Unless there are flightless birds, how are Wattrels and Wingull not seen in Kanto or Johto when they're waterbound? Even penguins swim to Ireland. How do people not know about the beings they worshiped wandering around with the champion of each region?
These aren't microscopic insects, these are Pokemon that are the size of your hand or bigger and found in hordes regularly. They're also pretty much all domesticated at this point. Sure, your general area may not see specific Pokemon, but the regions are extremely small, and the Pokemon world is significantly more technologically advanced than ours. As it is we only really don't know about different breeds of specific animals primarily in rainforests, extremely small insects, and things in the deep sea. People in the Pokemon world deep sea dive for fun.