I'm filling out the dex between copies of Gold, Silver, and Crystal, and good god is Chikorita just easy mode.
>Gets Razor Leaf really early
>You don't need a STAB and can reach the Dark Cave pretty quickly to pick up a Geodude
>Grind Geodude to level 11 to get Rock Throw, which beats the Violet Gym entirely
>Falkner hands over Mud Slap, which gives Geodude a Ground-type STAB
>Youngster Gordon on Route 32 is the only threat with his Wooper, which Chikorita's Razor Leaf solves
>Mud Slap and Rock Throw kill everything in 1F Union Cave, including all trainer Pokemon
>Halfway through Geodude will hit level 16 and learn Magnitude, which has THIRTY FUCKING PP
>Clear out 1F Union Cave, the Slowpoke Well, and the Azalea Gym (Rock Throw + Magnitude kill everything) to get Geodude to level 21
>Silver then has Gastly, Quilava, and Zubat, which die to Magnitude, Magnitude, and Rock Throw respectively
>Pick up Rollout from Route 35, coupled with Geodude's early-learned Defense Curl to wipe out Whitney
>Letting you speed on towards Ecruteak
>Magnitude again kills Morty, and Jasmine
>Chikorita/Bayleef can then handle Chuck
>Flaaffy and Bayleef can handle Pryce
>And by that point you should have a team capable of handling Clair
Fucking sheesh.
Also lmao @ pic related, Golem's ingame battle sprite