>>54186073To answer your question, it was a mixed bag on release. There were some features that were really nice. The PSS to this day is very well remembered and additions to breeding as well as catching (Friend Safaris and Radar chaining) went over extraordinarily well and made the game much more accessible.
But this was the era of the games being much more friendly to train Pokemon, but for seemingly no purpose. Why should I train a bunch of Pokemon when only a select few are particularly good in competitive play and there's no single player challenge past the Battle Tower clone to play? Once again, people forgave X and Y for this as it was GF's first 3D game, and it's not like we normally get much for the first sets of games. We were all thinking Z would correct this, until ORAS was announced and we thought ORAS would correct this.
>>54186124>metacritic user scores