>>54209793Can interest you in some Tinkaton stocks?
>take a surging strikesInvest heavily into hp/def and it can reliably take a scarf tera water SS. You can also give Tinkaton tera water to even take it in the rain
>wall paoniteResists/immune to all of their stabs. And with Farigiraf, you pretty much don't allow Pao Nite to play the game.
>stop DodozoAdmittedly not great for that, but that's what the iron hands and single strike shifu are for. And fake out can buy you some extra turns before the Dozo does too much damage.
>while doing meaningful damageGive it swords dance as well as give tornedus swagger. In some matchups the opponent can't quickly address the Tink and at +2 it can run roughshod.
>and being useful outside those categoriesIt checks Flutter, at +2 threatens Hands, is a faster fake out user than Hands and Rilla, and together with shifu dark, Gigaton + Wicked Blow can knock out trick room Cressilias regardless if they tera fairy or not.
I unironically think Tinkaton can be very solid in this format despite the >75 memes.