>>54226426>KantoI like that patch of grass on Route 8 blocked by cuttable trees. Once you get rid of Team Rocket, Five Isle Meadow becomes a really pleasant place with no trainers as well.
>JohtoBellchime Trail and Tin Tower are amazing. Apart from them, I really like that small pond at the bottom of Route 45 in HGSS.
>HoennThat one tree on Route 123 (near Berry Master's House) is mine. I also like Secret Meadow and Secret Shore in ORAS.
>SinnohThere are a few nice spots actually. Flower Paradise, Sendoff Spring and Acuity Lakefront for example.
>UnovaMany places make me nostalgic. A lighthouse on Liberty Garden Island, Aspertia City's Outlook, Pledge Groove, a southern gate to Skyarrow Bridge, Hidden Grotto on Route 5...
>KalosPokemon Village is an ideal comfy spot. Some high places which require Waterfall are nice as well (like the one in Couriway).
>AlolaI am in love with Brooklet Hill - that inaccessible spot with a cave is my ideal place. Ten Carat Hill is also nice.
>>54226578>Friend AreasProbably my all time favourite locations in the series. There are so many good ones.