>Be me
>Pulling up Family Guy to watch off the Amazon firestick
>My Vaporeon comes in with a heavy towel and places it on the bed
>They lay it out evenly across the bed so it covers every inch of surface
>I ask her what she is doing
>She winks at me and tells me I know what it is for
>Vaporeon walks out of the room and returns holding a bag of Zaxby's
>She is carrying it by the bag handles with her mouth because of course she is
>Relax together and eat the amazing Zaxby's chicken fingers together
>Some crumbs get onto the towel as we eat
>I dip a tender into the Zax's sauce and a bit of it drips onto the bed as I bring it to my mouth
>Luckily there is a towel covering the bed to keep it clean
Thanks Vaporeon!