>>54240612This is objectively the most poorly designed area in the series.
>8 floors yet they all have virtually the same pokemon>requires almost every HM in the game to fully traverse yet still has 3 separate NPC roadblocks. Got Rock Climb and want to explore before the story wants you to? Fuck you here’s a random painting blocking the way>zero fucking gameplay outside of simply walking, using repels for the shitty random encounters, and pressing A in front of HM obstacles. Why are there zero puzzles like Seafoam Islands in Gen 1 or Ice Path in Gen 2 or Icefall Cave in Gen 3?This is the point where it became obvious Game Freak just forgot how to design good maps and thought just spamming HM obstacles is a substitute for good level design. Unironically I would rather take something like Alola where the game just skips you to the top instead of padding the game out with repetitive garbage like this.