>>54244751There is a twenty five-year record for GameFreak doing the least amount of effort with their games, let alone their competitive scene. Due to how Pokemon work as far as the data each individual represents, hack-checks are utterly dogshit and catch only the most retarded of genners because, if genned correctly, there is NO discernible difference between a hacked Pokemon and a legitimate Pokemon. This isn’t hyperbole, this has been known for more than a decade, and is why the comparison to physical yu-gi-oh cards is utter dogshit. The only reason people are crying is because their genned Pokemon were very clearly hacked - mismatching IDs, no HOME tracker, MACHAMPS ot, shinylocked pokemon, etc. None of this ultimately matters in competitive, as seen with the formation of Smogon and how IVs are either 0 or 31, with no in-between. Competitive Pokemon has always been about finding individuals that can counter the most amount of other Pokemon, either through raw stats, type, or move pool - IVs have always been a hindrance to the actual point of competitive, as each and every competitive Pokemon has to have either a 31 or 0 in an IV to meet the bare minimum in comparison to another of the exact type. Due to how IVs are randomly generated, this means that, regardless of the player’s effort, there is a random chance of being viable to compete in the first place. This has always been a dogshit system since it’s inception - no one enjoys using their bike to hatch an egg that might have a 31/0 in one of the six stats that all need to be 31/0 for 40 hours, and is the central reason why showdown exists - it cuts the mountain of fat from the system to get to what people actually enjoy about competitive.