Specializes in Dragon and Electric types.
Training to take over the family gym from Elesa.
Crushing hard on Roxy.
Specializes in Dark types.
Seranas older brother.
Works for police special forces.
Is actually the son of the new tribal chieftain of that njnja clan from the anime.
Arranged for Ash to meet Froakie in secret.
Hates on Sycamore for hitting on his mom and is looking for an excuse to jail the man.
Dating Helen the Hex Maniac who specializes in Normal and Ghost types.
Both are in a bid to become E4 members at the least (Alva got arrested for being in Flare)
Became a Fairy type specialist and soley focuses on contests. Still moapey she had to give up on Ash.
Shows up a year after Ash to take the next championship.
Was secretly nurtured as a Dark/Fire specialists by Kukui (masled) to take the spot of champ.
She's Elios sister.
Is a musician and BFFs with the girl trio (Lilie, Mallow, Lana).
Fighting/Steel specialist.
Energetic martial arts fanatic that traded his starter for a well bred Riolu.
Busy grinding on the Isle of Armour getting ready to take the Galar title.
Skirtchaser going after Marnie.
Fire/Dark specialist.
Victor's sister.
Passionate athlete with hyper discipline.
Training with her brother making sure he doesn't harras anyone.
Is planing to move abroad to Hoenn.
(SV protags are gym leader Juan's kids)
>JulianaQuacksly. Focused more on Humanities studies and drools after Arven.
Wants to be a teacher/social worker.
Helped the crew from team star.
Dark/Dragon type specialist.
Always angry for being mistaken for a girl or being teased for being short.
Friends with Arven.
>NemonaRockruff (now Dusk Lycarock).
Won the league circuit once before because she was bored and loved it.
>PennyEevee (Sylveon M.)
Forced by her mom Lono to raise an Espeon for her own good.