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Why do Unovatards repeat that the Gen V was a failure in sales?

No.54346634 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
For many years these fans have been saying that the Gen V was a failure, that it was poorly received, that it sold little. It's enough to give a small search on Google to dispel all doubts. Gen V sold more than Gen III and was below Gen IV and Gen VII by a short margin. Don't come with the "but ORAS" excuse. That came out in Gen VI.
Why do unovatards repeat the lie of failure? Well, because that lie gives it a special mystique, it embellishes it, it sets up the fairy tale of: "the generation that came to change everything but the fans turned their backs on it... until years later they could see its true value. Ohh forgive us Gen V".
Let's not be silly, Gen V is the one that brings the least innovations to the franchise, literally nothing. Comparing it with the others ones leaves it in a very bad position in this aspect. Just make a quick comparison: Gen II (Genders, Breeding, Dark and Steel types, Morning/Day/Night cycle, Holding Items...) Gen III (EVs, IVs, Abilities, Natures, Double Battles...), Gen IV (Physical-Special split). There is no comparison, playing Gen V is the same as playing Gen IV.
Gen V is one of my favorites but its fandom is without a doubt the worst in the franchise. It's full of toxic, pretentious, pedantic and conceited rat kids, plus they have a fetish for criticizing the legendary 1st Gen and trampling on her legacy, as if that fact makes them look intellectual. Ironically Gen I served as the basis for Gen V according to Masuda himself. These fans have created a caricatured version of reality, believing that Gen V failed due to "nostalfags who just wanted nostalgia because MUH NOSTALGIA" and Game Freak, who was about to open a golden age, had to retrace their steps.
I think this lie will never be eradicated from the fandom because it's so ingrained and the Pokemon fandom is often full of people who don't use their brains.

Here I leave the official sales figures that I published in my post.

3 Gen: 23,28
5 Gen: 24,16
4 Gen: 25,27
7 Gen: 25,45