>>54359279The other anon said it already, it homogenizes everything.
I enjoyed "sequence breaking" in SV, I got to areas that I wasn't supposed to be in yet and had Pokemon with a way higher level than me, and I could even catch some.
I remember going into that lake area in the North-West that had a warning sign about strong Pokémon and cautiously looked around there just to see what Pokemon I could find there later.
I went to the Psychic gym pretty early just cause I was in the area. I knew it was high level but I tried it anyway for fun. I got my ass beat though cause my mons were like 15 levels below hers.
And I also remember walking by the last Team Star boss's base, looking up what level she is and went "oh fuck, I'm out of here man".
This one didn't happen to me personally, but a lot of people went to the Pokemon League building early on just to check it out, and then got destroyed by that NPC there with a lvl 50 Staraptor or something. I've heard some of my friends say that it felt good to get "revenge" on that guy later.
Stuff like that is fun. If everything scales, then it's really boring because every area and every gym feels the same. It's good to stumble upon areas that are not appropriate for your level, whether you find a lowlevel area that you missed somehow or you wander into a trainer that kicks your ass.