>>54364526A rule can’t justify itself you fucking tard.
Saying that genning is wrong because it’s against the rules and not have any other reason is stupid at best, psychopathic thinking at worst.
All rules should be made out of necessity.
Unlike many physical sports breedcucks like to bring up having rules, all their rules are in some form necessary.
You got to take a drug test because performance enhancing drugs give players who care more about winning than their own life spans an advantage.
You can’t assault a judge or referee as it’s their job to be bipartisans and that’s not possible with threats of violence.
There is necessity in Pokemon to force players to grind via arbitrary minigames for a single team that may need to be changed during a season and has to change every season. This would be like if chess players were forced to chop down a tree just to make each piece and the board itself.
>>54365038And? You’re still paying someone to do all that work of trading and teambuilding instead of you doing it.
If EV training and that bullshit meant something (it really doesn’t and anyone who says otherwise has third world IQ) then paying people to make your teams should be banned along with genning since it’s not you who is spinning around on a bike all day.
The most ironic part of all this is that breedcucks would not exist if it wasn’t for external tools. All that EV training, IV breeding, breeding for natures, RNG manipulate, etc would not be possible if someone didn’t use hacking tools to figure them out.
Breedcucks have been relying on hackers to datamine their own game to even begin teambuilding, and that doesn’t include things like abusing item duplication or using those “totally not hacked” perfect IV parents.