>>54396034I know half of this thread are smogontrannies, and then also an unfortunate amount of people who may just be casuals, but for those of you who are neither, I want to direct your attention to this gen3ou ("ADV" as smogonfags like to call it) smogon forum thread:
https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/evasion-clause-its-time-to-fully-bake-this-half-baked-implementation.3713926/Here, numerous smogoniggers of all stripes, including ABR, Jimothy, and Zacpz, support the banning of *accuracy dropping moves*---the thing you can beat just by switching out.
It wasn't enough to ban evasion boosting moves.
It wasn't enough to ban evasion boosting items (Brightpowder / Lax Incense have been banned within the past 12 months despite seeing no actual usage whatsoever---just on principle because other gens have it banned now).
Now, they want Sand Attack and Mud Slap and hell even Muddy Water banned.
It doesn't matter that Skarmory has Keen Eye. It doesn't matter that accuracy lowering is the only recourse you have to (potentially) ruin set-up sweepers like last-mon Suicune who can't be reliably status'd or phazed at all. It doesn't matter that it doesn't guarantee you even dodge attacks at all, nor does it matter that Pokemon has inaccuracy baked into the fabric of the game with common moves like Fire Blast, Hydro Pump, Rock Slide, Will-O-Wisp, and Toxic.
Smogon-spergs want their metagame to be a tiny subset of predictable mons doing predictable things, each match a handshake where the other guy implicitly promises to you that he's not going to bring "cheese", which can be defined as options outside the limited pool they've cultivated that they simply don't want to account for in the builder nor during a battle.
Smogonfaggots do not like Pokemon. They are autistic manchildren who like fiddling with numbers and playing rock paper scissors (that's essentially what double-switching wars with hazards down is: punishing wrong guesses).