>>54404209>FearowKeen eye to Technician
Bulldoze, Doublekick, Dualwingbeat, Smartstrike, Hone claws
Big pecs to Simple
Calm mind, Hone claws, Hypervoice, Mind reader
Unnerve to Regenerator
Power whip, Aqua tail, Dragon rush, Fire lash, Battonpass
Snarl, Infestation, Spikes
Static to Electric surge
Drain punch, Dark pulse, Powerwhip, Hone claws
Sand veil to Simple
Fire punch, Thunderpunch, Dizzypunch, Drain punch, Amnesia, Bulk up
Weak armour to Simple
Coil, Gunk shot, Power whip, Aqua tail, Dragon Rush, Shore up
Sheer force to Simple (change the mega ability to Levitate)
Same movepool changes as Onix
Steadfast to Defiant
Meteor mash, Mega kick, Rock blast, Dragon rush
Weak armour to Rock head
Quick feet to Strong Jaw
All fang moves, Drain punch, Dizzy punch, Hone claws
Unnerve to Prankster
Parting shot (destiny bond shenanigans)
Sandveil to Technician
Frisk to Fluffy
Aqua tail, Power whip, Iron tail, Fire lash
Cosmic power, Psywing slash, Mystical fire
Quick feet to Speed boost
Headlong rush, Powerwhip
Unburden to Sharpness
Sacred sword