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No.54421797 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I blame this entire franchise for keeping this abomination of a glorified calculator alive for as long as it did.
The gameboy was released in 89! Just a couple years later the SNES would make it look bad by sheer existence. By 96 it was all ready to croak and be replaced by better hardware like it should have been but THEN fucking gamefreak puts out a dumb little game about ball monsters and suddenly gameboys are fucking selling again! And then gold and silver come out AND DO THE SAME THING AGAIN!
Pokémon literally held back game technology advancement for SIX YEARS. Can you imagine what we could have had if Nintendo hadn't sat on their big snorlax-shaped throne of money instead of trying to compete with the SNES right then by 96 like they should have? Or better yet, with the goddamn N64 which was already out at the time!

I want you to remember this thread the next time you pick up your 12-year-old-hardware hunk of shit that is the switch next time you play SV and look at those mountain textures. Fucking japs.