>>54435523xd dick
k jungle monkey
>>54435545silence furtranny subhuman. no amount of AIDS will turn you into a normal human with normal genetics.
>>54435549el "straight" faggot. it's funny how i can see the estrogen, deformities and AIDS reeking from virtual words on a screen.
I'm gay, but all you effeminated oversexualized goblinafaggots abominacciònes look like absolute SHIET. Having sex with you would be less giving than having sex with a woman, obviously excluding the plethora of STDs youre ridden with that go in with giving but in negative.
Especially among you americans, since you unironically have a 1 out of 5 STD ridden subhumans lmfao. Everyone of you catches sexual viruses and parasites. You are literally a zombie, which makes you even worse than a jungle monkey raping frogs and anything under their filthy hands.
Also another pattern I noticed among shitmerican fagottos is that they all got groomed as a child. Lmfao. The stereotypes are all real, youre all abominations that shouldnt exist.