>>54463824I'm a retard who couldn't help buying S/V despite all the warning signs because I didn't want to miss out on playing a Pokemon launch with all my friends, and after beating it + shiny charm I put it down and simply haven't picked it up in nearly a year. I can't even be fucked to complete the motion of swapping the cartridge in knowing how shitty, stutters, ugly, and taped together the game feels to even walk around in. Even though SwSh was pretty fucking bad I still managed to somewhat participate in the generation until gen 9 and had an okay time completing the DLCs. But in S/V's case, I simply can't be fucked to turn this shit pile on - much less spend 35 more dollars on this horribly broken game when they clearly haven't fixed a single goddamn underlying issue. I wouldn't even care that this DLC's content is wholly uninteresting if it was playable but it's fucking not and I can't even trick myself into enjoying it just because it's Pokemon
I sincerely don't understand why they couldn't even get some sort of task force together to work on the overall horrid performance over this last year. Like just pull even 2 of your better developers off to the side, away from new development/features/etc, and let them fuck with what's there