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7KiB, 220x220, National_Socialist_swastika_(framed_in_red).svg.png
Quoted By: >>54488111 >>54488114 >>54488116 >>54488117 >>54488118 >>54488140 >>54488405 >>54488427 >>54488797
the gen 2 remakes suck nigger dick because they made the graphics look like fucking leapfrog leapster dogshit that looks like super fx 3d from SNES and there are huge useless areas like the global terminal that are just fuckhuge and unusable now. they're just in the game like it's a demo that ran out of time and they made the storyline and characters 100x more faggoty because they started desperately trying to make the games as gay and fucktarded as they possibly could around this time. looks like fuckin shit and they made it gayer, and gay as fuck features you can't even use anymore so it feels like you just missed the faggot orgy party when you even try to play the game now. nice demake. voltorb flip is fuckin gay and retarded too and everything they added also is.