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Lay it on us, what are your ideas for new interesting mechanics you would love to see? Here are a few>Heat Shimmer >Fire/Special/65b/100% acc The user creates a shimmering haze of intense heat that surrounds the battlefield. This move hits both opponents and makes it harder to hit both the user and their allies for the next 2 turns (effective +1 Eva for that time).>Light Arrow >Fairy/Physical/50bp/95% acc The user looses an arrow of pure light that pierces through the target's defenses. Ignores screens, Subs, and defense boosts to deal damage. >Heartbreaker >Fairy/Physical/60bp/100% acc If the target is Infatuated this deals double damage and removes their infatuation. >Riptide >Water/Physical/60bp/100% acc The user dives just below the surface to chase down the target. If the target is switching out, this deals double damage and still hits them. >Bamboo Spear >Grass/Physical/45bp/95% acc Using a blade of bamboo with a sharp tip, the user stabs at the target. If the user waits two turns to use this move, its damage doubles. Damage resets if this is used on consecutive turns but does not reset it user switches out. (in other words, Turn 1 Bamboo Spear, Turn 2 SD, Turn 3 Spear again = bigger damage, rinse and repeat)>Ill Will >Dark/Special/65bp/100% acc If the user was hit with a super effective attack on this turn, this move's damage increases by 1.5x and hits all opponents. If it is hit by two SE attacks on this turn, the damage is 2x and it hits all Pokémon>Impulse >Electric/Special/40bp/100% acc
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Pokemon should be able to swallow the enemy trainer while and digest them for health recovery The final battle against stupid Cynthia should be this
>>54499506 I'd really love an Ability system. Something like pic related.
>>54499506 >water pursuit but stronger why
>>54499506 New types of gameplay.
Dire pokemon. Pokemon in the wild have a chance to be Dire forms. Have a much lower catch rate, unless taken to 1/4 hp. They come with a +2 def/sdef and increased hp pool.
These pokemon come with really good IV.
New exp share.
Exp share now has 3 modes. On, Off and Inverse.
Setting exp share to inverse stops all exp from being gained but you still gain iv.
Stat ups.
When you level up you gain (I don't want to do the math right now but let's say 5 points per level) You can put these points into any of your stats as IVs. To make your pokemon stronger without the annoying hyper training or breed spamming.
Poison type weather effect. Allows any type to be inflicted with poison any pokemon currently poisoned get upgraded to toxic. "Your pokemon's condition got worse"
And grants a damage boost to poison.
>Ruthless Sting >Poison type physical move >40 BP The user shoots a piercing stinger at the opponent. If it would crit, the BP is doubled and the attack gains +1 priority.>Phantom Horde >Ghost type special move >50 BP The user attacks with spiritual strength stolen from its fallen foes. This move gains +50 BP for each Pokemon KO'd by the user.>Ambush >Dark type physical move >120 BP The user analyzes the environment, makes a cunning plan and then leaves to switch out. The user returns with a vengeance the next time it's switched in, attacking all enemies with a sneak attack. Would the user be forcefully switched in (ie: Dragon Tail or Roar), Ambush fails.>Insult Upon Injury >Dark type status move The user mocks and insults the opposition for injuries sustained during the battle. Any opposing pokemon with 50% or less HP will flinch. Hits multiple foes. Has no effect if the target has more than 50% HP or has any of the following abilities (Soundproof, Oblivious and Unaware)
Marioipod13 !!VK5RQYuo7rr
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Rusty Cage Steel-type Physical 100 Power 85 Accuracy Signature move of Registeel The user drops a rusty cage on the foe, preventing it from escaping. It also badly poisons the target if it hits.
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>Bandit Shot >Dark, Special >60BP Literally just a special attack version of Thief
Marioipod13 !!VK5RQYuo7rr
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Bomb Squad Power: 120 Accuracy: 100 Type: Fire Special PP: 15 The user lays a trap of bombs at the opponent's side of the field, which explode after the following turn.
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High Guard Status Rock-type 15 PP The user guards its side of the field from above. It blocks jumping moves such as Bounce, Acrobatics, and Jump Kick.
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Rock Slam 100 Power 85 Accuracy Rock-type Physical 10 PP The user divebombs the foe with a giant boulder to attack. It may also cause the target to flinch.
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Stomp Kick 120 Power Fighting type 90 Accuracy 15 PP Physical The user stomps the target with a sharp kick maneuver. It may also leave the foe paralyzed.
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>>54499656 I love that idea
Marioipod13 !!VK5RQYuo7rr
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Brave Dragon 150 Power 80 Accuracy Dragon-type 5 PP Physical A reckless, life-endangering, spinal somersault attack. The user takes terrible damage after using it.
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Power Lift Status Fighting-type 5 PP The user's whole team has their stats boosts randomly, and each one by 1 to 3 stages.
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Clock Out Electric-type Status 5 PP The user throws a stopwatch bomb that paralyzes the opposing team.
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Sweet Feast 5 PP Normal-type Status The user's entire party partakes in a feast that heals up to 25% of max HP for all members and cures Status conditions, in addition to restoring PP of all moves by up to 10 each.
Marioipod13 !!VK5RQYuo7rr
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Shadow Void Power: 100 Accuracy: 80 Type: Dark Special PP: 5 Signature move of Darkrai The user flings a black hole that expands on the opposing team, causing them all to sleep.
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>>54499656 Great idea, though i think 4 active abilities at once would be pretty op. I think just two, maybe 3 would be fine.
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>Last Train Out Steel, Physical 160 BP, 100 ACC, 8 PP Revavroom, Klinklang The user rams their opponent with the strength of a locomotive and leaves the battle, fainting. Having just missed the train, the next available Pokemon comes in immediately.>Makeup Party Fairy, Special 65 BP, 85 ACC, 15 PP Sylveon, Igglybuff, Smoochum The target is glamified with a surprise makeover, subsequently gaining Fairy-typing.>Contrived Prayer Dragon, Status 8 PP Lucario, Greninja, Charizard A desperate plea to become the strongest. In exchange for some HP lost per attack (2% per stage), the user's stats will become the highest on the field by at least one stage.
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Inferno Force Fire BP: 140 Acc: 100 The user blasts its target with it’s burning hot life force. This attack burns the target and deals recoil damage to the user. It cant be used if the users hp is too low.
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I willed Scald into being, and I'm not going to wield my power so recklessly again.
Marioipod13 !!VK5RQYuo7rr
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Mantle Spout Ground-type 140 Power 90 Accuracy 5 PP Special The user makes the ground under the foe erupt with a giant explosion. This attack's recoil harshly decreases the user's Sp. Atk stat.
Marioipod13 !!VK5RQYuo7rr
Crystal Blast Type: Water Power: 80 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Special The user shoots holy water at the target to attack. It has a decent chance to freeze the target.
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>>54499695 Because OP is a retard and this isn't the first list of shitty ideas he's posted disguised as a thread.
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>>54499506 >scold 65 BP 10pp >30% chance to inflict confusion and burn at the same time Anonymous
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i know fp kind of had a similar idea i always thought it would be cool if they implemented traits alongside abilities, and whilst abilities could still be switched around with capsules traits would be inherant to each pokemon an ability like rough skin could be turned into a trait (it would have to be toned down tho to like 1/16 damage) and that way pokemon with bad abilities could have them turned into traits (like illuminate, stench, plus, etc.)
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>>54499506 Before you are able to take on a gym leader, you had to be their 'stand-in' against challengers, but your team had to meet certain conditions. (All monotype or have a certain type move, level ranges, etc)
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>>54499506 Increase Heartbreaker to 70, reduce Riptide to 40
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>>54499506 Ability that sets imprison on switch in
Ability that turns every fairy type move used by anyone into a normal type move (would be perfect for Spiritomb)
A reverse transform/impostor, that turns the opponent into yourself
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>Rough Terrain >Ground >Scatters debris around the battlefield, any pokemon entering has their defence dropped by one stage >Ground,Flying and rock type pokemon are immune to this effect Basically a Defence dropping Sticky Web
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>>54499656 Sounds like a great way to homogenize pokemon. I hate it
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>>54499771 That sounds literally more annoying than what hyper training currently is and more unbalanced too since you will have perfect ivs within the first 3-4 levels of getting your starter
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Ability: Brave Boost If the opponent as a higher BST, the user gains +1 in every stat and is immune to the effects of intimidate, if the opponent has over double the users BST, gain +2 in every stat This ability can be taught to any pokemon via a special item except those who can use an Eviolite
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>>54499656 >Sand stream intimidate battle armor tyranitar ebin
>>54499915 That move is literally just making stall completely unusable so you might as well delete recovery from the game
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>>54501912 He has been posting bad ideas to bump the thread
>>54499695 Because every new mechanic has to be more powerful than the last according to zoomers who grew up in the powercreep era
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>>54503480 No fucking kidding, the most retarded idea in this thread has to be the stacking 8 abilities one.
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bring back secret power but instead of just being based on location, make it the physical counterpart to hidden power. that and bring back shit like pursuit. the fact t-tar fell outta ou and ain't even good enough for ru is a travesty
>>54503468 >That move is literally just making stall completely unusable so you might as well delete recovery from the game I don't see any problem here. Stall belongs in hell.
>Overwhelm >Whenever the opponent uses a non attacking move, gain +1 attack and +1 special attack Give it to a few bulky mixed attackers and you have more reliable stallbreakers
>>54503676 That's just a weaker Work Up. At least have it increase the defenses or speed too.
>>54503687 here, disregard what I said, I just realized that anon probably meant it as an ability, not a move. Anonymous
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>>54503696 Yeah sorry, I meant it as an ability. So basically slap it onto something that can't be work down by toxic like Aggron and make Stall your bitch.
>>54503468 >That move is literally just making stall completely unusable good
>>54503571 >>54503657 >>54504003 >game has moves >someone thinks that they should add a move that makes those other moves unusable with no drawback >heh i am such a genius I totally fixed game freaks designs problems Do everyone a favor and put a bullet in your heads so nobody has to read your retarded drivel anymore.
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>>54504320 Back to Smogon with your stallbitch ass, here at /vp/ we actually like using 90% of the game's moves.
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>>54504320 maybe use attacking moves instead of spamming recover, toxic and substitute for a change
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>>54499506 >This move hits both opponents and makes it harder to hit both the user and their allies for the next 2 turns (effective +1 Eva for that time). Total smoggie death.
I wonder if they would even consider making an exception to the evasion clause if there was a major new move like this.
>>54503468 >>54504320 >NOOOO YOU CAN'T HAVE MOVES THAT STOPS RECOVERY- Anonymous
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>Icy terrain - -1 speed for non ice types. Activates Slushrush. Frozen mons can't thaw out by itself Block now raises users defence Spider web now lowers target speed Meditate harshly raises user Attack AND Sp Def Sun weather gives +10% chance to burn to attacks and deals 1/16 damage to ice types. Some abilities prevent that.
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>>54504915 This is completely different to the move that was suggested. It doesn’t invalidate recovery it simply pressures them to switch out.
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>>54499506 >Black Hole >Dark >Status >The user sucks up incoming special attack on a Black Hole to raise its special attack star. Anonymous
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Crystal Blast The user assaults the target with a crystal beam. 90 BP 100% accuracy May lower the target's Special Attack Special
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>>54499915 Ambush and Insult upon Injury are both hilariously broken
>>54499506 Not a new move, but a retooling of an old one- make Self-Destruct target one mon, and also ignore Protect. Self-Destruct with its 200 power starts to get seriously powercrept with many moves approaching that power without being suicidal, but if it can't be avoided it gains a niche. The rationale is that you approach the opponent and self-destruct right in their face, leaving no room for defense and sparing the surroundings.
Explosion remains as-is, a higher risk, higher power spread move.
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>>54506845 Yep, pretty much that.
I always found it weird that Self-Destruct and Explosion were baisically the same move down to the distribution, with very few lines getting SD but not Explosion, and SD being strictly worse.
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>>54506825 >>54506845 Imagine this thing just grabbing you and fucking exploding while you're held in point-blank range.