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ITT New Move Ideas or Mechanics

No.54499506 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Lay it on us, what are your ideas for new interesting mechanics you would love to see? Here are a few

>Heat Shimmer
>Fire/Special/65b/100% acc
The user creates a shimmering haze of intense heat that surrounds the battlefield. This move hits both opponents and makes it harder to hit both the user and their allies for the next 2 turns (effective +1 Eva for that time).

>Light Arrow
>Fairy/Physical/50bp/95% acc
The user looses an arrow of pure light that pierces through the target's defenses. Ignores screens, Subs, and defense boosts to deal damage.

>Fairy/Physical/60bp/100% acc
If the target is Infatuated this deals double damage and removes their infatuation.

>Water/Physical/60bp/100% acc
The user dives just below the surface to chase down the target. If the target is switching out, this deals double damage and still hits them.

>Bamboo Spear
>Grass/Physical/45bp/95% acc
Using a blade of bamboo with a sharp tip, the user stabs at the target. If the user waits two turns to use this move, its damage doubles. Damage resets if this is used on consecutive turns but does not reset it user switches out. (in other words, Turn 1 Bamboo Spear, Turn 2 SD, Turn 3 Spear again = bigger damage, rinse and repeat)

>Ill Will
>Dark/Special/65bp/100% acc
If the user was hit with a super effective attack on this turn, this move's damage increases by 1.5x and hits all opponents. If it is hit by two SE attacks on this turn, the damage is 2x and it hits all Pokémon

>Electric/Special/40bp/100% acc