>>54513399>It's the only fucking fanbase I've seen shit on that anime and that tournament despite the character they like being portrayed as extremely strong there.Nigga what?
Fucking every Championfag except Stevenfags and Irisfags hated their portrayal in the kuso 8.
Steven got a mostly neutral treatment overall during it and his fight had no major issues outside maybe the z-move now being able to home-in and you already know how Irisfags are like.
Alanfags are mad because they made him job to Leon.
Leonfags are mad for the reasons you just stated.
Lancefags are mad because they made him job first to Leon and then to Diantha because, according to them, they made Lance retarded by making him be all about unga bunga, and because Diantha is the worst and weakest Champion and also because he should've fought Ash since he's the Kanto Champion.
Wallacefags are mad because he got literally off-screened.
Cynthiafags are mad because the decade of waiting since the DP anime was for nothing. Was not the final fight. Was not the DP team fighting her. The retarded last minute "retirement" plot point. And last but not certainly least how Cynthia dropped half of her IQ points midway through the battle with things like all dragon moveset Garchomp, setting up SR when Ash only had two Pokemon left and that on top of that both resisted SR,
Dianthafags are mad because after they finally were given a boon after a decade of people shitting on Diantha they took ten steps backwards right afterwards leaving them in an arguably even worse position because of how awful the Leon vs Diantha fight was.
Hell, there's even Ashfags who hate it too because of things like no reserves being used and instead the fanfic team who half its members are literally not even one year old of age go and become the World Champions instead.
Sure, there was little sprinkles of nice things like
>>54513462 mentioned but overall the great majority of people fucking abhorred the M8 as a whole.