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No.54515152 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>constant interruptions every route to the point you can barely play the game
>all for the sake of a mediocre story with a lot of wasted potential
>started the trend of easy campaign with rivals healing you and early lucky egg
>shit Pokemon variety, you're basically stuck with purrloins ans patrats until you beat the first gym
>best designs in the game are locked until the endgame
>can't even use them anyway because they don't evolve before the postgame
>forced to catch the legendary to continue the plot, first game to do so
>linear as fuck region. Yes there's a lot of areas you can backtrack to visit but the other games before all took you back to those locations organically, the routes were interconnected
>region has no consistency, desert next to a city next to a forest, first game where regions aren't based on a specific location or biome but instead have to fit a Mario game quota

I don't understand the love these games get. They're fine mechanically and I appreciate the idea of having an all new dex but holy shit was this so poorly handled.