>Red/Green/BlueInitiated the Pokemon franchise, caused the PokeMania of the late 90s/early 2000s, have been around for the longest which furtherly bumped up sales since they have also become an iconic piece of videogame history at this point, at least in terms of impact in pop culture.
>Gold/SilverSimilar to Gen1, it leeched off the PokeMania phenomenon which was still pretty rampant. In some parts of the West (like in Europe) it also released barely one year after the arrival of the anime, right in the middle of PokeMania even moreso than RBG.
>Sword/ShieldReleased in 2019, I'm pretty sure the pandemic and the lockdown also played a role in how well it sold among the mainstream audience.
>Diamond/PearlIt had a pretty big marketing campaign compared to Gen5, it released when the Nintendo DS was pretty much at its peak, it was long awaited by fans after a few years of just releasing spinoffs (Dash, Trozei, Mystery Dungeon and Ranger).
>X/YWhen XY came out, a big chunk of the fanbase that stuck around had become old enough to buy stuff for themselves, but the franchise had also lost many fans to adulthood or disappointment after Gen5. Either way, the jump to 3D was generally well-welcomed and many people bought XY for this.
>Ruby/SapphireWhile a minority of the Pokemon fanbase that had caused PokeMania had become a teen or adult by then and ditched the franchise, the vaste majority of Pokemon fans were still kids or preteens, so the games sold very well among these audiences. Nonetheless, PokeMania had died down (albeit it wouldn't be gone completely till Gen4) considerably and it definitely impacted on the marketing department.