>>54528027>Sometimes I want to get into comp pokemon but then it's those EV training, IV training, building teams I'm too smooth brained for thatThose are pretty easy in this game!
>EV trainingJust gotta get the EV items from the Delibird shop and give one to your Pokémon. Then look up the best place to get whatever stat you want to train, and go farm that Pokémon while wearing the stat-appropriate EV item. Each battle wearing an EV item will grant 9 EVs, and the max in a stat is 252, so it's 28 battles to max out a stat. Max overall EVs is 510, so max out two stats and voila, you've got an EV trained Pokémon! Only problem is you need a fresh battle-less Pokémon, unless you have an item to reset their EVs they randomly obtained.
>IV trainingThis one is even easier! Just buy some bottle caps from Delibird and take them to the dude behind me here in the ice mountain town. He can perfect any IVs of any Pokémon as longa s it's at least level 50.