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Can anyone give me a crash course in current gen leveling?

No.54547507 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I haven’t played pokemon since DPP, and I decided to give violet a shot just for nostalgia, and it seems to me like the battle/leveling system has gotten a little complex. Not too complex for a child obviously, but it’s no longer
-lead Pokémon goes out
-kill Pokémon
-gain xp
-level up, get stats
Is there an optimal way to level up in these games? What I’m asking is
1. I know Pokémon have IVs and EVs
2. The IV is the individual stat values of a pokemon which dictates how high it’s skills are
3. The EVs determine how many stats you gain when leveling, with each Pokémon giving a certain type and amount
So what I’m trying to wrap my head around is
1. Now that xp share is forced, do the Pokémon gaining xp from share gain EVs as well, or no
2a. If they do, then is leaving a mon in your party just as effective as battling with it
2b. If they do, then does that mean a Pokémon starting from level 1 getting xp share is significantly gimped because they’ll go from 1-15 in one battle with only like 1 ev point
3. If not, then are your Pokémon significantly weaker when you’re not actively using them
4. Are the differences between ev/non ev trained Pokémon even noticeable as far as non competitive play is concerned