>>54556783If you've ever made a ROM hack you'd know why. It is a fucking pain to set up a map even a quarter as complex as that as a tileset, ignoring the fact that you would still have to simplify the layout for a grid movement system.
>b-but then make it 8-way/omnidirectional movementGameplay wise, what is the point for the older titles? It'd be more of a hindrance than anything attempting to count out steps and such.
Even Minish Cap had super blocky areas. It was also a smaller map. More art also equals bigger filesize, and remember, the largest GBA games were only about 32MB - see your file? That's 1% of the largest possible ROM. Gen 3 games were about 6MB - that's 5% of the cart, gone.Obviously there would be ways of compressing it, but the point is handheld game sizes at the time were VERY limited and unique art adds up.