I really love Perrserker and I wished viking cat was given an evo like some of the other gen 8 regional variants, every Meowth form is bad due to an awful BST and terrible stat distribution. Perrserker could have went further into the whole berserker motif and possibly even have referenced that scrapped gen 2 mon with a pelt coat with it's evolution, possibly even becoming Steel/Fighting.
The stat distribution for this evo would look like this: 80 HP/130 attack/120 defense/30 special attack/70 special defense/120 speed. Abilities are Tough Claws, Steely Spirit and Iron Hide (Iron Hide is basically just Fluffy with a different name). What do you lads think? Any names for this made up evo?
>>54586218It's weird to me that Chuckslash to this day doesn't have Tough Claws as an ability, it fits it's design perfectly in every sense.