>>54585873>Timeon (time-eon) is a time type Pokemon. You would get him by using the time stone on Eevee. To get the time stone, you would go to Ash's house
and look at hiss clock. You would press "A" at the clock and it it would say,
"Look at the time?" Say yes and the time would come up. You would press,
"A, B, A, B, Select, Up, Down, Left, Right, and Start" Start gets out of it.
You would then enter a trainer battle automatically, but no picture would
come up. It would say, "BLANK wants to fight!" You would have to fight
a Pokemon called "SCRAMBLE", which looks like MISSINGNO, only it would
fill up the whole square. SCRAMBLE only knows Fissure and Gullotine, so
he would be almost impossible to defeat. If you do manage to defeat him,
you get the maximum amount amount of money, and you would get the
time stone. Timeon looks exactly like Eevee, except he has a call like a
warping noise. He knows, Time Blast- A non-failing, 1-hit KO attack.
Warp- Kinda like fly, only you can use it any time, to go anywhere. Even the
Power plant! Plus you don't have to have to have to been there to get to go
there! In battle, it hits the Pokemon very powerfully, and if it kills the Pokemon
in one hit, it gives experience to all your Pokemon, as if they had defeated
it alone.