>>54612831>"....""Please... let me go..."
>".... It's nothing personal, but it's what I do.""You don't have to."
>He pulls out the knife"But I must."
>He looks hesitant, but he is prepared to stab you>"Ugh...">Both look at the biker leader>"Fucker... die!">He grabs his gun again>In a reflex, you grab the lonely board, and throw it at him>The man misses the shot, and before he could react, the stranger stabs him violently>All the criminals are dead, only one is in front of you>"...."".... I can't run anymore."
>"....">The man grabs the gun on the floor, and proceeds to clear it>He throws away the bullets to a nearby drain>Then, he gets close to you, and gives you a gum tablet"Why?"
>"You just saved my life. Is the least I can do.">You look at the tablet"I don't want it. Just let me go."
>".... Is fair, I guess.">He puts the gum away".... Thank you."
>He looks at you surprised".... I don't know who sent you, but thanks for letting me live."
>And with that, you run away, with your pokemon in your arms>If you reach a pokecenter soon, maybe they will recover quickly-----
>"Thanks for bringing me home Rudri, I swear to Arceus, you can't leave your shit out for one second.>"I just can't believe you used your fancy car to go to that place. Some asshole was going to rob you with a car like that.">"Not like that guy I hired. He rob me, and I still own him money.">"How much was it this time?">The man whispers to the rowdy gentleman>"Wow, and I though my concerts were expensive.">"At least he will get the job done. He has to.""I couldn't."
>Both men look surprised behind them. The assassin is right there>He brings a big wad of cash inside a plastic bag, which he proceeds to leave on a nearby table>"Wha- What do you mean you couldn't?!""I couldn't."
>"And that's it?!">The stranger only grabs a gum tablet, and gives it to Dorado"All the money is there. I refuse this contract."