>>54619163Kinda, the main thing is that it has had several killpoints and some of them are local for certain locations because Licensing stuff (causing fatigue where there was none and kids to drop the show, like say a certain country Rerunning all the episodes up to the Lighthouse one several times before FINALLY doing Vermillion Gym), and then slowly build back new goodwill as things either get better or new kids pick up the show without the "old bagage"
The big/global ones i recall from the top of my head are:
>Indigo League Finals, the OG "Ash didn't win" quitting incident.>Mid-Johto due sheer fatigue.>Sinnoh Finals/BW Start due SURPRISE LEGENDARY and dropping Brock and some people REALLY hating Iris in the early episodes.>XY Ending because BURASTOO BURN.Possibly the Journeys Ending due "If it ain't about Ash why should i watch", but i don't actually know how it is doing so that is a pure assumption on me, people have generally been really quet on if they dropped the show or kept watching after it.