>>54632952You would obviously want Tera Flying for Drill Peck and Tera Fighting for Body Press. Either can work but I think Flying is the better option. it resists both his STAB options while Fighting is neutral and weak to Brave Bird. If you get crit none of those defense boosts matter. Body Press theoretically sets up faster with Iron Defense, but in practice I've found just going +3 with Bulk Up is enough to get the job done in a team. In solo, you're not under time pressure anyway, so setting up to +6 isn't a problem. More turns is more chances to get crit, but if you're Tera Flying and staying above half health that should never be a problem anyway. You can run Shell Bell for more sustain/safety, but Roost should be plenty to keep you healthy. I've been running Light Clay instead so I don't have to worry about resetting Reflect.
For ANY Tera Raid
>If the shield is up and you're not Tera, your attacks deal 20% damage>If the shield is up and you're Tera but attacking with a different Type move, your attack does 35% damage>If the shield is up, you're Tera and attacking with a move of the same Type, your attack does 70% damageYou can get away with just running coverage moves on good mons like Iron Hands in 5-star raids, but for 6-star and 7-star where the enemy has 25-50% more HP, you really want to be matching the Tera to whatever move you're dealing damage with.
>>54632964They're building wrong and/or don't know what they're doing. The Corviknight should not ever be in danger unless they get fucked by crits right at the start, even then they should be able to recover if anyone else clears the Swords Dance.