>>54634381>NOOOOOO I HATE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!! NOOOOOO!!! I HATE CHARACTERS THAT MAKE SENSE!!!Are you stupid, or do you just not know how to read? How is your media literacy this bad?
Lusamine became obsessed with the UBs because her husband was kidnapped by one, and eventually the research she was doing on them to try to bring him back made her insane and she lost sight of her objective (remember that Nihilego poison the minds of people). It's not that she loved the UBs more than her children, it's that the research around the UBs became everything for her. She probably loved Lillie and Gladion just as much as anyone, but she became overprotective of them and her insane experiments on Pokémon ended up causing them to escape along with some of the Pokémon (Cosmog and Silvally).
This is what makes Lusamine "hate" them. She even states that the reason she hated Lillie is because she ran away, not for anything else. This made Lusamine feel even worse, because not only had she lost her husband but also both of her children who had now ran away. This is why she considered Lillie "ugly", because in her eyes she was just a child who didn't appreciate everything she did for the family. The ending where we defeat her and the Nihilego is when she realizes how insane she has been, and it startd her redemption as a mother--because realizing her own mistakes makes her see that Lillie wasn't to blame. It's a beautiful character progression.
Lillie goes to Kanto to search for a cure for her mother since Lusamine is still not feeling great after the whole Nihilego incident. It's literally explained in the game.