>>54646565The worst part is the realization that they have an infinite 10 yr loop for content locked away with this method of never having ANYTHING come back in a game.
>Want megas?Buy the XY remake in 20XX
>Want the underground?Buy the DP Remakes in 20XX
>Want rotation battles?Buy the BW remake in 20XX
It will never come back, not because its broken or whatever poketuber bait argument you want to make, but because they will never make a game that interferes with this cycle. Effectively, they could skip a year and make a game with a Nat Dex, Megas, Dynamax, and so on, but they won't because then that title would directly compete with any and all future remakes that have those gimmicks in it. They did this before with starters, do it now with remakes. There is no way out because fans will buy it just to re-live whatever bracket their childhood was in. This includes DLC as well because starters and Kantooo will always be on this list as well.