>>54661793>Jirachi was a minorityHalf the fucking event Pokemon in a single game isn't I minority
>events where you can actually catch them are even betterI suppose that's arguable, but it would be nice if they weren't time limited at all so we don't fucking have to argue it. We need more Eon Tickets honestly, or I guess more specifically the ORAS implementation. But we're never getting good online ever again, and soon even ORAS will be the slightly retarded StreetPass only version of itself until the 3DS hacking scene gets off it's ass. At least on a hacked 3DS StreetPass is trivial to fuck around with, XY is just completely fucked. So yeah, sorry if I'm upset about content in games being incredibly transient,
>>54661812>Why are you making up an entire narrative around the fact that I’m calling out GF on their laziness leading to the removal of BF?Because they didn't, functionally? That's like saying they removed the Battle Tower because it's now called the Battle Subway.
>PWT doesn’t have nearly as much replayability as a battle facilityMaybe, but the Type Expert challenges alone are more interesting than anything the basic Battle Tower gives you. And if you want the RNG, Mis is an okay Battle Factory clone (I'd prefer the USUM one if it didn't require online).
>Others are closer to battle tower reskins than proper battle facilities.Black Tower/White Treehollow is not a fucking Battle Tower, please play it. Also, Pokestar Studios has only had one other thing sort of like it in the history of Pokemon, and unlike Battle Palace it was actually fun. I miss Battle Sims.
>>54661824Worse how? How is solving puzzles, making multiple teams, and a navigational challenge worse than battles, battles, battling, and battling with Chuck?