>>54694507A fun solution would be to add certain movements based on folklore and popular culture. Here is a list of weaknesses of classic monsters, some already have their counterpart in Pokemon
>Silver Bullet/Dagger Steel type, Physical
>Cold IronSteel type, Physical
>SunlightSolar Beam, Sunny Day, should add an advantage against Ghost
>Oak Stake Grass type, Physical
>Garlic Poison type, Status
>Decapitation Guillotine
>Brain ShotDark type, Physical
>Religious Iconography (in lit. usually a crucifix)Normal type, Physical
>PrayerNormal type, Special (Sound based move)
>SaltI think it already exists with the new G9 salt monster
>Grave DirtGround type, Physical
>Holy WaterWater type, Special
>IncenseFlying type, Status
>Namu Abi Dabi (a huge Buddhist rosary)Fighting type, Physical
>Ofuda (Paper talysman)Psychic type, Status
>GalvanismElectric type, Status
>Mithril short-swordFairy type, Physical
I thought about adding a fire and ice type for The Thing and the Blot, but that falls under scyfi