>>54695947Literally everything in Pokemon is a limited resource. Dynamax and Tera are no different in that regard.
What makes Dynamax broken is the ease of which to snowball stat boosts with all the "little timmy" mechanics behind it.
Double HP so Little Timmy's charizard isn't OK'd by strong water moves.
Increase BP of moves so Little Timmy can break past shit like Toxapex with ease with his Charizard.
Immunity to Encore and other shit so Little Tiny's charizard can set up against phasers, disrupters, etc.
Gigantamax so little timmy's charizard does even more special snowflake damage.
The underlining problem is that Dynamax dumbsdown the game severally due to intentionally going out of its way to make sure little timmy doesn't have a temper tantrum when his charizard doesn't sweep.
So what happened when you put it in the hands of a bunch of autistic manchild using Excel's solver functions to optimize Dynamax resulted in everyone using Dittos and games becoming 50/50 guess because instead of just Charizard you had Gyarados, Hawlucha, Excadrill, Darm-G, etc that were all incredibly broken abusers, and also Ditto because that's the only counterplay to Dynamax that isn't tied to fucking Zacian.
>>54696175It really wasn't more balanced in doubles. Arguably it was worse because Max moves typically worked with your partner, Dynamax was immune to fake out, and you could do shit like Weakness Policy + Dynamax, nullifying the one drawback of Weakness Policy.