>>54717663I'm mad at the poketubers who only care about making money and inflating their ego.
I'm mad at the people enabling said poketubers, circling around the pile of horseshit like a swarm of fruit flies.
I'm mad at /vp/oreons falling for these blatant pitfalls or for constantly larping as the most braindead people imaginable and ruining any chance at having valuable discussions.
I'm mad at myself for still caring about this instead of just going my own way and just playing the series I love, by myself.
I'm not mad people are criticizing gen 2.
I'm not mad people are creating new things.
I'm mad at the incredibly soulless and capitalistic way people are going about doing those things. Mad that they claim to love gen 2 but so clearly misunderstand a lot of the most fucking basic things about it. Mad that they're so fucking fragile that they have to come to fucking /vp/ of all places to shill their complete dogshit. You fucking won already. Please just let me be a sore loser in fucking peace.