The new show held promise: the protagonists travel the world on their cool airship. The plot started off about the heroine being pursued by a villainous organization, among them being a sympathetic Zuko-esque character. That story lasted for 6 episodes. Then the villain team disappeared and took any semblance of tension with them. Then the show became boring.
The world depicted in the show isn't interesting like in the original anime. None of the places they visit are interesting. They are just the same copy-pasted corpo suburban houses or blocky skyscraper cities. The world is developed with infrastructure. It doesn't feel like a world of possibility, where you have psychics who have a tyrannical rule over small towns, or people conducting weird competitions out in the woods, or roaming biker gangs, or evil corporations who build big facilities in the middle of nowhere.
There is no tension. Not only is there no threat as aforementioned, but there are no stakes. Roy and Liko aren't desperately trying to win the Pokemon League. They're just bumbling around doing whatever. When Ash's Pikachu refused to listen to him, that felt bad, and you rooted for Ash as he kept trying to garner Pikachu's respect. When Ash challenged Brock for his first gym badge and got wrecked, that felt devastating, and made it satisfying when he got better and tried again and won. But here there is no reason to care. When Sprigatito ignores Liko, Liko just shrugs and gives up for the day. When Roy loses his first gym battle, Roy just shrugs and walks away, with no intention of getting better and trying again to win. If the characters don't care if they succeed or fail, why should I?
The characters aren't entertaining from the original show. Too peaceable. Ash was bratty and feuded with Misty. Brock had his funny puns. People butted heads a lot. The characters of the day could be wacky at times.
General aesthetic decline. Soundtrack isn't memorable.