>>54745854because it IS the same exact abomination retrasada behaviour and goblina NPC programmed mentality.
First of, genwunners had a reason at least (its the first, so its better[its not even correct because the commonis opinion was gen 1 and 2, not just the 1st]). Its a common inhuman retardation that has always existed.
As for the successive trends though theres no excuse as to the levels of down syndrome absoluta. Poke-retardos started hating pokemon from the generacciòn cinco!!5!5!5!, generacciòn cinco included. The hate most likely started for obvious reasons that we all can see, major one possibly being that it wasnt set in japan anymore (and according to the developers, something did really change from the past)
Though if the same people that hated on gen 5 then liked colosseum, their down syndrome is maxima.
Now, the thing is that its obviously a few people starting these trends and the mass of shit diarrhea brainless, mindless, soulless cancer abominations following them and obeying punctually. This is proven by the fact that the same R E T A R D S that hated gen 5, then started worshipping gen 5 when some ameriturd inverted the trend from gen cinco = baddo to gen cinco = goodo because amerigo's diarrhea.
This is obvious and you only need to ask to any abomination constantly diarrheaing everywhere with generation cinco. They will admit that they hated gen 5 during its period and they will excuse themselves with "but iwas just child:) onions retardata"
Ive seen absolute abominations of down syndrome even saying out of the blue "i-i wish i liked gen 5 when it came out:^( but i followed the trend:^("