Ah, yeah, that's… That's another basedjak post! During the dead hours on /v/, right on time. The weather might change, the seasons definitely do, but if there's one thing I can always count on, it's basedjaks on /v/. Lemme ask you - do you ever get tired of this? The same thing, day in and day out? When you've made your post, about how totally "SEETHING" these posters you are "basedquoting" are getting, and you're sitting there, alone in whatever hovel you inhabit, with your fat, wrinkled, zit-ridden face just barely illuminated by the dim light coming out of your monitor, are you happy? Have you gotten some enjoyment out of this? Will you get it tomorrow? And the next day, when you do the exact same thing? Over and over again? Getting the same mixture of replies either jerking you off and calling your post a "GEM" and replies rightfully and outwardly enraged by the sight of basedjaks on this board? Seeing as you're going to sit there until the sun comes up anyway, desperately yanking on whatever you've got left of your life after countless hours spent accommodating your internet addiction, why don't you try turning off your monitor for a moment, and lookng at yourself? Stare at the vague outline of your face, reflected in the black screen in front of you. Look into those dead eyes of yours and see if you can find traces of your soul. Some semblance of a human. Some lingering, faint remanant of a human being with the capacity to do something other than find enjoyment in posting dead wojak memes on 4chan. And y'know? I could forgive posting it, if these posts weren't such a bore! The same 2-3 images in rotation, every time. You couldn't do something a little more entertaining? Funny, maybe? Not only are you repetitive, but you're a sad, pathetic, bore.
Well, see ya, anon. Enjoy the (you.)