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the original games were made by a group of nerds that thought it would be cool to encourage kids to trade with each other. the dweebs even said things like they "imagined the little monsters moving through the cables" during trades. they didn't anticipate any significant level of financial success and just wanted to make a cool monster collecting and trading game for kids.
now like many games that grow beyond their initial visions it's a grotesque tumorous growth of the initial design, similar to minecraft which was originally intended to be something more like a first person dwarf fortress adventurer mode clone until the fatty got too rich to care about working on it anymore, and microsoft just bloated whatever features it had when he stopped working on it. at least they are starting to experiment with changing the basic game design like in SV, hopefully we will get a pretty fresh game vision for gen 10 but I'm not holding my breath.
>why hasn't this shit been retconned like location based evos already?
encourages families/couples/friends etc. to buy multiple copies