Vaporeon was essentially my ace in FireRed and my chosen eevee evolution in Red
But I separate bro pokemon from anything lewd and instead ship them with other pokemon in my team
My Jolly Vaporeon has my Gentle Persian as his girl, and let me tell you she's quite the catch. My Vaporeon "Vaporizer" can tank and hit the entire Elite Four with his high Special Attack and HP and my Persian "Cashmere" finishes up with Fake Out, Swagger, and Hyperbeam. She made me rich with Payday and wears a Silk Scarf.
If I'm going to sleep with pokemon it's gonna be the humanlike Monstergirl ones like Gardevoir and Blaziken (they are mine in Gen III but I still got Delcatty and Salamence as bro monster pokemon and I ship my Delcatty with my Azumarill. Yes it's autistic and I don't care)